After upgrading to Mesa 18.1.9 game runs much better without any issue. Slightly lower fps than windows.
After upgrading to Mesa 18.1.9 and proton version game runs perfect. Really amazing progress.
Runs perfect but mouse movement is allowed only in a 90 degree.... and that is a weird issue.
Only possible to connect to servers without EAC. Like MEGA servers, but don't it's known for injecting malwares. Instead use the server called "Welcome to the RIce fields"
Game starts but after filling username and password it gives me "unable to contact server"
Launcher keeps restarting. I followed the fix from the other reports. Replaced launcher.exe with Launcher.exe.cpy and after that i renamed it without the .cpy in the end.
Game was running out of the box but ssince the last update the game doen't connect to the servers due to EAC. VFR Error when trying to connect.