It seems to crash occasionally with Proton Experimental, but it works perfectly with 7.0rc3-GE-1
You need to manually set compatability mode to Windows 7 instead of Windows 10. However, once that is set up, it works fine.
Significant slowdowns, especially in menus
Even on the lowest settings, my framerate was barely reaching 30. On Windows, I can comfortably run on medium.
The launcher opens, but cannot start the game
I tried using both the instructions in Maz's report, and the ones in this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wine_gaming/comments/eggnql/distant_worlds_universe_in_wine/fcj4jow/
However, neither way worked.
Switching between fullscreen and windowed will cause the mouse to be inaccurate until restarted
I consistently get only 24-26fps while playing it, with the only option to improve it being to massively reduce the resolution. I have tried several different versions of proton, and the launch option "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1".
It crashes in the second cutscene, after only a few seconds.
The anti-cheat is a steaming pile of garbage that prevents the game from working, and forcefully opens up tabs in my web browser advertising itself.
Other than a couple crashes, it runs quite well. And the autosave seems to be adequate to prevent the loss of much progress.
Shadows do not work correctly. There is a shadow centred on the camera when zoomed in, and first person mode causes flickering ghost shadows in the distance. Turning shadows off fixes it.
I encountered one crash out of nowhere, but it might just be an issue with the game, rather than proton, as it is early access.
Vsync significantly increases input delay, but there is still some even with Vsync off.
Even with all settings at their lowest, it still runs extremely poorly
I get an "Authentication timed out" error after a few minutes of playing on any EAC-enabled server
It seems to be a Wayland issue, since I only encountered this when playing in Wayland, but not X11.
EAC has finally been updated, allowing Linux users to play on any server.
As of today (March 3, 2025), EAC has been updated. I was able to play on a variety of servers without being kicked. I have not played a full match on any server other than Powerbits, which already had a system to allow Linux players to play.
It likes to jump around between monitors after a game, and sometimes changes resolution/aspect ratio
Occasionally stutters, but nothing too bad
Horribly unstable, although it might not all be from Proton
It takes an exceptionally long time for textures to load in properly. And sometimes, models for different blocks won't load in at all. When a block doesn't load in, saving and reloading fixes it.
The game soft locks regularly. It seems like this might be the same as a freeze that affects Windows users, but I did not experience it when I played on Windows. Setting the game to a private multiplayer game mitigated it somewhat, but the freeze still happens.
None of the versions of Proton I tried, including GE, and various older versions, worked
I tried most different version of Proton.
Works near perfectly.
I did encounter one minor bug where the game got stuck in the post-match screen, but that might just be because it's an early access title.
Other than being forced to mute the audio, it runs perfectly
The audio is completely broken. It sounds like it is constantly peaking the levels, and ignores all volume control except total mute.
In order to get the sound working, you need to set "WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%" in the launch options. The music also seems to work with this option set.
7.0rc3-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Allegedly, the launcher does not work with mods anymore, even on Windows, but I did not have that problem while running it through Proton