Using a virtual desktop and capture mouse in fullscreen (winecfg) mouse drift is gone.
Freezes before start screen and when loading a world. Max res is 1080p. Get around 30fps at epic and 45 at low.
Long wait after clicking "New game", and then a black video that can be skipped with ESC or ENTER. Runs badly too. Around 40fps with my specs. That's in 1080p because the game does not allow a higher res.
Launches with working rendering, smooth. But most often crashes after 3s or servers list does not load.
Locked at a low resolution. No way to change in settings. Also it's 4:3
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/214510/pfx/ winetricks directx9 This makes it work flawlessly.
Menu titles does not have text, cannot move player. Works well otherwise. 60fps 4k.
Runs, but with really bad fps (~15) (regardless of settings). Crashes for a long time when exiting from the game itself.
Works, but cannot set resolution to 4k. also have to use alt+enter to fullscreen.
you need 396.54.09, proton 3.16 beta, and you need to "ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/" in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
With the latest patch it now works perfectly without any tweaks at all. All maps. You do need 396.54.09 to get stream output.
Absolutely flawless. Ran first time with no argument, and did not crash, 60fps.
Works perfectly. Fullscreen works better than windows 10 where it does not fill the screen.
Works great! But use this tutorial to get 60fps:
Works, but lights shine black rays and performance is worse than Windows.
Did a whole level, that was flawless. Crashed when I clicked "next"
Works, in 60fps at 4k. But you need to change minOS line in Library/GlyphLibrary.xml to xp, then make the file read-only.The launcher freezes at the initial start. Just wait, it will download and install something.
And I also had to set it to fullscreen borderless, normal fullscreen did not work.
Works amazing with this! link! 60fps 4k at high. No stuttering at all.
Seems to work fine, ground is clipping a bit between two textures, but not to much. Fps is smooth.