Select language using arrow keys

MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp,ram,vram gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Inviável usar OBS ou programas de captura de vídeo(para gravar gameplays)
Apenas por conta de ping, nada ao linux em si
O game rodou tranquilamente com as alterações que fiz. Por padrão sempre coloco nos games a linha de comando "MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp,ram,vram gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%" juntamente com o ProtonGE, e se rodar, não testo outra config. Nesse caso o game está aprovado, anticheater não foi uma barreira!
Can't select languange on the startup launcher, drag down menu not showing but after selecting the languange using the arrow keys, managed to run it without any issues
Works Great

proton esperimental .funcionando normalmente jogo bom fps gratuito bons graficos ,e roda liso no arch linux e windows.so click instal e go
entrei e joguei normalmente
na steam roda normal ,porem no laucher vfun sem chances no linux,ate instala o launcher via wine mas nao roda o game.

no archlinux e so instalar e jogar .click install e go.
pela steam e pronton seja ele esperimental ou mais recente da lista e so instalar e jogar .porem pelo launcher da propria vfun esta dando erro .
Runs great

Used Steam's Proton 8.0-4
I didn't do any additional tinkering with the launch options. I bumped into a launch problem at first but it got fixed by me going into properties and verifying the integrity of the files.
I just use Steam's built-in Proton 8.0-4

I used Steam's built-in Proton 8.0-4 to play it, and it works! For me I didn't use any additional launch options.
If the game doesn't open when you run it from Steam, then try to verify the integrity of the files in the game properties then launch it again.
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%

PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%
make sure to install proton battleye runtime if you don't have it yet

PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%
I have played for a total of 1 hour so far on multiplayer matches, I have not experienced any of the difficulties described in the other reports, about it kicking you from the game, so I am assuming the issue has been fixed.
BattlEye kicks player after a few seconds.
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%
The games loads ONLY when forcing Proton 6.3-8 and anti-cheat (BattlEye) kicks player after a few seconds.
BattlEye kicks player after a few seconds....
gamemoderun %command%
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%
On Awesomewm always show as window
BattlEye kick up when try to enter on multiplayer
Cant start playing but after 1 minute BattlEye kick
Almost full playable the game. Only the BattlEye is the bad guy.
Kicked by BattlEye shortly after opening the game
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" %command%
Able to get it to launch, but battleye closes the game after about 2 minutes. The language selection dropdown in the launcher doesn't work, you can select the language by clicking on it and using the arrow keys.
BattleEye closes the game
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime/" prime-run %command%
With Proton 6.3-8 opens but in a couple of minutes, BattleEye forces you to close the game.
I got kicked soon after joining a match, others too so maybe it was just the lobby or Anti-Cheat over blocking
Not sure if it was just a coincidence, the old Proton Version not working properly or if they disabled BattlEye for Linux, but I got kicked after a few minitues in the first match, soon after getting killed by a cheater I guess.
Game no longer works as of Proton 7 and higher. Crashes after clicking start on launcher.
played for a min or 2 the get kicked out
Not Open
gamemoderun %command%
With proton 7.0 and proton battleye install and not open. With proton 6.3 kicked out of black squad a minutes later
When I open it, it stays in the menu, it does not open.
gamemoderun %command%
Use Proton 7.0 but use Proton 6.3 Open but kicked out in minutes
Solved the stuttering problem. With this version of proton ge and activating thread sync com graphics configuration
just make sure you install proton battleye runtime
Also I set the perfomance mode on corectrl wich makes my cpu performance better. I cound't start the game with proton 7.0 or experimental

If someone told me the game's native, I'd fall for it
Performance is smooth rock-steady 144 fps (capped), only dropping to 120 fps on Destruction mode.
When opening the launcher for the first time, you can hover the cursor over the Language drop-down bar and use the mouse scroll to change language, in case the drop-down list doesn't work.
gamemoderun %command%
I already had the Proton BattlEye Runtime
I think the BattlEye Runtime has to be installed through steam
gamemoderun %command%
It feels kind of slow on my machine, but it might just be a problem on my side
Online works well and I've had no problems with matchmaking or lag
Install Proton BattleEye Runtime from your Steam Library if it doesnt automatically
The game runs smoothly with some minor famedrops here and there. Nothing game-breaking

already had Battleye Runtime for Proton, so it was just click to play
played on the lowest settings (tried medium at the start) but no matter which settings its laggy and I get frame drops (with the worst timing ofc) quite often. Playable, but not enjoyable for me
Works as if native with Proton Battleye Runtime installed
Plug & Play after installing the BattlEye Runtime
Search on your library for battle eye runtime to be able to play
In the first one , you should install your graphics card driver. Then steam and click steam->settings->steam play. Next select proton experimental and go to your library and click search input paste this App id "1161040". You are going to see Proton Battleye Runtime package. Install it and run your game. After that if you couldn't select language , you should go ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Black Squad/binaries . There is steamlauncher.save.ini file. Edit it with SUDO like this : " sudo nano steamlauncher.save.ini" and there is Lang=0 option in there. change it 0 to 1 and restart steam game is going to open Have a nice day guys.
Se puede solucionar con la app https://steamdb.info/app/1161040/subs/ instalandola.
Para poder jugar bien hay que instalar el Proton BattlEye Runtime, lo cual puede ser fácil si vamos a esta página de Steam https://steamdb.info/app/1161040/subs/
Install "Proton BattlEye Runtime" on steam - hard to find App ID 1161040
It's working! used proton 6.3.8 and worked just fine!
Shocked at how well it worked. Compared to main rig, flawless.
Must install Battle Eye Runtime
Less loud than the usual ear-rape of the game load-up. Don't know if that's my audio driver only, though.

Proton BattlEye Runtime needs to be installed in Steam
Tested with Proton Experimental 6.3-20211203
The game works great in linux.
To play install “Proton BattlEye Runtime” (can be found in Steam Library), set compatibility to “Proton Experimental” in game settings
Thanks to @|FatTrolls| Kv (ID:847757290)