BattlEye ruins it.
Kicked after a minute or so. Worked earlier, being able to play just seems like a fluke with BattlEye. Runtime was installed.
gamemoderun %command%
Some major problems due to BattlEye
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
1603141982 proton-5.0-10b
Impossible due to detecting unfair gameplay
gamemoderun %command%
It works for about 1 - 2 minutes before displaying "You have been disconnected" alert (no matter if your in the menu or in-game). If you click accept, it shuts your game down.
Kicked shortly after connecting for "unfair gameplay."
Works perfectly, despite Valve testing stating otherwise

game is kinda dead but it works really well
game just worked
It's works now!
great start out box, but few players left in the game
start with on;y experimental proton
with the proton battleye runtime does it seem to work i could drive vehicles pick up weapons and progress to the end of the match
The game works great battleye is not kicking you .
This now works with the Proton BattlEye Runtime + Steam Client Beta + Proton Experimental (as of 2021/11/13). Played 3 matches without issue.
Shame there aren't as many players as there used to be, but at least it has enough to get into matches quickly.
Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (31). So i cant play at this game.

Borked by Battleye
Doesn't work as of Battleye DRM.
Logiciel anti-triche nous empêche de démarrer le jeu.
Game installs but doesn't start because BattlEye

It's theoretically playable but the you get detected as a cheater lmao
It lets me enter a match but the anti cheats kicks me out for "unfair play" after less than a minute.
If running borderless tabbing out disconnects you

Almost playable...
After a short period of time at the main menu, you are advised you have been disconnected and the game closes. Background processes continue to run until manually terminated. Performance at the main menu was excellent. This game is so close to being playable...once it is, it'll be Gold or Plat easily.

it show a windows 7 service pack 1 required error

Runs Perfekt. Sometime my framerate drops but it runs

evil Anticheat

BattlEye is an evil thing.

Won't start without BattleEye, which is impossible to launch. Completely unplayable.

Won't start with "Starting BattlEye Service..." appearing endlessly.

Stuck on Starting BattleEye Service


BattlEye Service cannot start

stuck on launching daybreak launcher, or closes out on startup

Not playable due the implemented Anti cheating system