I didn't had any issues, I could easilly connect to my own MP server, I could join my friend modded session and I could host with no issues.
wincfg to win7, install ue3 and dx9 binaries shipped with game
lose of controller input on alt-tab or pressing x, pressing steam+x again helps for a bit but game needs restart to fix
slowdowns on random
On windows with the same settings 60fps locked, barelly 20-25fps with proton. It takes ages to load for some reason too
Switching to older proton and using +set r_fullscreen 1 +set com_skipintrovideos 1 worked fine for me
Run command protontricks 65540 directmusic.
After Alt-tabing performance drops untill you restart the game
As other people stated, audio and cutscenes are scuffed/not working from the get-go. And do what https://www.protondb.com/app/65540#IbnQnPXJB4 says (I didn't do step 5 and everything worked fine, step 3 is in the System command line/shell, not Steam) and I do heavily recommend installing the mods (especially quick loot is a god savior).
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
protontricks 39510 directmusic
Basically the same as https://www.protondb.com/app/39510#ngmcnQsZAc you need a bit of tinkering to get everything working, and playing the workshop version+mods is a must to have a good time. After all of that it works perfectly fine.
I had to setup sudo passwd and using pacman install lib32-glu and just to be sure glu (I think it's the same but can't tell you now), after that it worked fine.
GoG native version through Heroic Launcher needs tinkering. I already owned it there so I can't say anything about Steam Version.
game itself is meh, but it works fine. I used touchpad to aim, better control that way
random slowdowns even on lowest swarm
It runs smoothly and fine, probably some flags to not have first unskippable "videos" would be the best, since they take ages.
I feel like it's more of Gnome problem.
Open Beta contribution. FSR and XESS made the game not render anything, disabling this made the game run fine. It sometimes crashes but I did not found why it might be. With my hardware 1440p custom medium I was running at 34-40fps with ocassional dips.
Game droping down to 20fps, a lot of 1% problems, on windows it was more stable 45fps with less drop downs
Experimental and proton 9 does not work correctly, 7.0.6 works fine as pointed out.
Native is broken, proton runs fine
Shadows are breaking fearly often, especially visible in first couple of cutscenes and when looking at the glowstick when jumping around.
On medium everything game just chokes from time to time back to 30fps
For me native is just broken, it hangs on the tiger logo. I got a lot of problems with the game choking when changing locations or just action happening, which I don't have on windows. Shadows are weird sometimes and they look like I was using some AI frame generation.
Had to install VCredist as I just transfered GoG files over.
Overall it's a fine experience for install-play, which is not that much of a given with UE5 titles nowdays. I did not experienced anything wrong with the game from using Proton, just the bugs and issues that are there for my hardware even on Windows.
It's playable, but needs a few tweaks for modern player.
Whenever I was changing the location, even who game was muted from the audio panel, it would still unmute itself.
In swkotor.ini changed/added FullScreen=0 AllowWindowedMode=1 Otherwise fullscreen on alt-tab or notifications made the game constantly black screen.
Works better than on windows.
Same settings and I don't need FSR enabled for 59/60fps.
After ~2h session needs a restart due to mouse lagging behind, after that it's fine again.
As of this post, game does not start up under proton, but starts up and runs fine under windows.
Changing to other versions of proton.
Works OOB
When switching zones/fast travel and having muted all 3 game options in KDE volume thingie it just unmutes, like it was a new thingie.
I use "force steam to play all games" so I believe I just run Experimental on everything but I have no clue.
I just run proton-experimental on everything (as the "recommended option), no bugs or problems. Only green bar on bottom of intro.
Hiccups during entry cutscene, slight cutts during gameplay, probably vsync issue
Native port does not launch, proton experimental works out of the box.
Game chokes in Duviri Paradox open world map, after switching a lot of options to "low" it performs well, while choking from time to time in fights.
It also takes a long while to load into games.
After disabling Vsync it worked fine
It worked fine for me, startup took a while, but only the first time