The game saved doesn't load correctly on Steam Cloud. Don't know if Proton has something to do here.
I can play on Windows on 60fps. On Proton, it's 30fps.
Games from Koei Tecmo are not the best ports of Pc after all.
6.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Some water textures.
You have to enable fullscreen or your game’s gonna crash.
It’s impossible play this on Proton. The “rewind” function of the camera make the game unplayable.
I only made it works with Proton GE (except the gameplay with the camera). Not with normal Proton (‘cause cutscenes doesn’t work and make the game crash when you try to make a new game).
Doesn't start 'cause the anti-cracker's launcher.
I tested with a crack, but that blocks the co-op ops.
You can play single solo perfectly without problems.
Online doesn't work 'cause the Anti-cheats.
I tried with Proton Experimental, it works perfectly without any issues.
When you go to offline mode, there's no save data. Apparently this happens on Windows version too, it's like the game checks the save data in a folder when you're online and check in another when you're offline.
Sometimes has a little fps's fall when you try to advance in an area.
Proton experimental was working badly in my PC, but Proton GE earned stability here. Finally, EAC allows us play this game.
Expect a lot of network failures, it's a thing from the game servers.
Since the beginning of season 6, It doesn't allow you start a game.
It happens when you're in the lobby waiting to connect a season between 8 players. When it try to start the season after find 7 more players, it gives a connection error. Tried with Proton experimental too.
The game itself isn't the best port on Pc, so maybe you'll see low fps even on Windows.
Videos didn't work.
When you try to launch this game from Steam (I have Steam and Epic version), when you're in a party playing, after 30 seconds, you get disconnected because server side EAC. With Epic version you can play without any issues. But the DS4 doesn't work.
PS: Don't forget add this var: PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME="-wherever-it-is-"/steamapps/common/Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime
Check if you have installed Proton EAC Runtime too from Steam.
When you try to launch this game from Steam (I have Steam and Epic version), when you're in a party playing, after 30 seconds, you get disconnected because server side EAC. With Epic version you can play without any issues. But the DS4 doesn't work.
PS: Don't forget add this var: PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME="-wherever-it-is-"/steamapps/common/Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime
Check if you have installed Proton EAC Runtime too from Steam.
After that, copy the EasyAntiCheat folder into DeadByDaylight/Binaries/EGS
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
At the moment I could play without much problem. There was a moment where I had a little freeze for 20 secs. and after that I was kicked from the party, but normally there's no problem.
No, if you wanna play with a dualshock.
DS4 doesn't work. Waste of time
I tried with Proton experimental too, same results.
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
You have to change how launch the game and copy the easy anticheats on another folder (there's a video below here).
I added no esync because it prevents some crashes I had.
It works even with all low between 8 and 20 fps. It's a trash practically, in Windows I can play with 50 fps, and sometimes something doesn't work when you start a party, a fail/alert appears (problems with D3D11 I think), so at the moment if you can play in Windows, do it.
It's funny but not at all, works awful, sometimes mouse disappears (and you need it in the game)
When you're changing the settings, sometimes crash
Doesn't detect DS4 controller
Not recommended, we can't play with a dualshock at the moment.
I had to disable e-sync and take off tesellation, because sometimes I was playing into 10fps for some reason on some levels. After disable the e-sync, the game works perfectly.
I read that in OpenGL doesn't work as it should, so I tried with Proton and it works so great. Just the DoF (or some blur effect) doesn't work decent, make some glitch graphics, I had to desactivate it. Except that, the game works perfectly without less fps than the Windows ver. (if we don't count that the Nvidia's drivers works worst than on Windows).
The only thing is Phasmophobia needs Cortana/W10 to detects your voice and see what are you saying. But the game even if doesn't detect what are you saying, it knows you're talking, so it's gonna do and interpret you're saying something to the ghost, and the ghost's gonna react. ouija doesn't works unfortunately.
Works perfectly. The funny thing is...there are no players.
Crash after 5 secs in menu
Proton 5.9GE-5 ST used. And inserting on parameters: PROTON_USE_SECCOMP=1
If I try to play on fullscreen, begins on blank screen. Better try to play on Windowed mode setting it on the config file.
I changed the name of the SWTFU.exe to SWTFU Launcher.exe and changed the config.xml file.
I had to change the config.xml in the IsKBAndMouse option, you should have change it to FALSE.
The game works perfectly. Doesn't allow dualshock (probably 'cause the own game)
I think it's 'cause the game doesn't allow play with dualshock.
There's an issue after goes to the menu
Tried with Proton Experimental and ProtonGE 9.11. Probably will be fixed by Valve after launch.
Works perfectly. Just sometimes has crushes but don't know if it's Proton or the game.
Sometimes the game says "controller not detected", but all works fine. it's annoying when you have to introduce the name of the players (playing with friends in the same Pc)
The game doesn't work as it should, especially with cinematics and some options that you can't even see them.
As the prev user said, you can fix it with "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%"
The prev user made a script to make the videos loadable in Proton. Thanks to him, it works better (but still it has some crashes)
Works good, but videos needs mf.
videos doesn't work, probably 'cause Media Foundation.
I tried with Proton-GE and videos works but for some reason the game crash after load a save game, and even sometimes the buttons doesn't work as it should (you see the "X" button on the game but even pressing it the game doesn't respond).
Proton-GE doesn't work for me, I have to play in normal Proton without little cinematics (just the intro and paintings).
Sometimes open, sometimes it doesn't. It wasn't happening before the new EA app.
With the new EA app, I played without problems. But sometimes when I wanna play and launch it again, it doesn't open. And there's nothing you can do except uninstall and install it again.
Resolved: I had to change the name to "_old" to the Proton folder from compat data to reinstall EA App.
It doesn't load cloud saves, just be careful.
Sometimes the EA App force your game to not work because it doesn't open as it should, so I changed the name of the Proton folder to "xxx_old" to force the game create a new Proton folder installation. I changed the name because I had to get the saved files and transfer them to the new Proton folder.
Doesn't detect Dualshock
I tried to play it through Steam to play with my Dualshock 4. All good.
At the moment it has less performance than it would.
Vulkan works awesome here, I earn more fps than DirectX11, and DX11 has stuttering. But sometimes the game crash, just occasionally but it does.
It's possible enjoy it, yes, but not for all users. The Moscow level, the achievements crash...except for that, I can enjoy it.
Sometimes playing in fullscreen the game crash when I win an achievement.
DX 11 works poor, so bad. You have to change to Vulkan API.
In Moscow, level 4, when you go to upstairs, the game crash automatically, doesn't matter what you do. This is because Vulkan API (issue from developers). I can't try on DX11 and play this level because I have a poor performance.
Sometimes I have a disconnection but I had fun most of the times.
Vulkan API shows a blank screen, you can hear the menu
Saber Interactive in a way broke the Vulkan API and now it's not working.
It works and I can play without much issues, but sometimes the game just crash. Especially when I change the window to see, for example, the browser. But I saw the game crash when I'm just playing without doing anything more. I played yugioh on Lutris and it barely happens (actually I didn't see crashes on Lutris)
Nop, I can't make this work even with the symlink of anticheats
The game says EAC's not initialized when I try to log in.