No Multiplayer Online - DO NOT BUY!!!!!!!
Online Play Is Blocked. I listed this under "Bugs" in the report, but really it's an anti-cheat issue.
I'm tired of seeing Gold-Rating on games that have no online functionality, when that is the primary focus of the game. I have played most DBZ fighter-games since the ps2, and multiplayer has been a huge point every step of the way. When the primary focus of a modern DBZ game is the online multiplayer, I don't agree with it getting anything above a Bronze rating. You'll get bored with the story after a single playthrough and with the price it's asking for the dlc packs, this is not an acceptable state to play the game in (the game can be bought for under $10 on sale, but the dlc will only get up to 50% off, which sounds nice until you realize that's still over $100 with the discount). The only value left here for a Linux user is maybe modding, as that should be done for offline play anyway. I'm not sure what all modding software is compatible, but modding should still be able to be done on Linux.
Ignore and skip the "Update your OS/Drivers" messages as you load up. The game will not launch if you click Update.
After skipping the "Update" reccomendations for my OS and my Drivers, the game starts right up. I believe the "Borked" status is from either a network test, or beta test a few months back. The game launched yesterday, Dec. 5th 2024. The game runs fine with no additional steps needed, and the Borked reports are all from half a year ago.