Ran perfectly fine out of the box with zero tinkering for me.

Game freezes at studio logo. Tried every version of Proton
Does not pass startup screen no matter what Proton version I try, whether I launch in DX9 Legacy mode or not, or restart/reinstall. I don' know how a game can be Platinum on here and be completely borked?

Had to manually pick an older Proton version in the game properties. The game did launch with the newest one, but it wasn't fullscreen and the image was all black. DX9 Legacy Mode looks weird.
It works very well other than the minor issue I mentioned. Looks great, gets 6-7 hours of battery life on the default settings.
Sometimes the game would freeze for a fraction of a second. Never much of an issue, and I don't know for sure if it's a thumper problem or a linux problem or a steam deck problem.

Crashes on launch
Doesn't even bring up an error message, simply refuses to launch.
Works perfectly! Button prompts are correct, and the game runs gorgeously while rarely even breaking 10W.
No tinkering needed.
works perfectly with proton 5.13-6, can't detect controller on 6.3-8
Ran great - No complaints
Controller wan't detected on latest Proton (6.xx), works fine on earlier versions.
Worked flawlessly
Feels completely native and runs seamlessly when using the correct version.
Crashed on start for me when using any recent version of Proton. However, the game runs perfectly using Proton version 3.16-9
Just perfect! :)
Runs out of the box just like on Windows
Very consistent frame times (basically a line via mangohud) of 2-2.5ms at around 600fps at 1080p with maximum graphics options (with unlimited frame rate) and around 1GB of VRAM usage
had to set proton version to 5.0-9 to get it install correctly
Runs just like It ran on my Windows PC (Xbox One Controller and 1080p @ 58-60fps).
Runs like native

Works great, no issues.

Played first 3 levels with an xbox360 controller; super smooth, no issues seen.

(3.7-8 ONLY WORKED) i've tried running this game with other versions of proton, some ran only in dx9 mode but with a lot of glitches, and some couldn't ran the game, so, this one works in the normal mode without any problems, so beware about that.

(SteamVR beta 1.3.7) Works perfectly, played in SteamVR mode with an 8Bitdo NES30 PRO controller.

(SteamVR beta 1.2.3) Works perfectly, played in SteamVR mode with an 8Bitdo NES30 PRO controller.

works excellent ootb without any tweaks required

Install and opening went flawlessly, controller worked, no glitches I can find. So far the only problem with this game at all is that I suck at it.

Worked only with DX9 and in that mode it had minor graphics issues like the vehicle partially disappearing.

No tweaking necessary, Runs perfectly.

DX11 mode was perfect, performs as if it were native.
