I genuinely did not realise this isn't native
In what may be the biggest accomplishment for Proton I've seen, I was shocked to learn that this isn't native. I legitimately had no idea. I pushed my buttons half heartedly during one sleepy day, not paying much attention, got on and played. Only to find out that it's running via Proton now, after weeks of weekly meetings with my friends. I had no idea.
Further than the others, but still not working
I was thus far unaware of GloriousEggrolls' Proton fork, and when I learned of it, I decided to try giving this one a go. The good news? It loads! You actually get a window, menu, and some background.
The bad news? It's still unplayable, and nothing else I tried managed to get it working. Maybe something to keep an eye on, at least.
No actual issues, only one annoyance -- defaulted at first to 800x600 resolution, which was easily changed in the gameplay options. Ran at 1080p for an entire storyline, not a stutter or graphical glitch to be found.
Even with the linking method described below, I get a black screen and cursor with nothing else. Tried reinstalling, linking things, running as normal, nothing seems to help. Hopefully someone figures out a solution.
Initially this game did not work for me, instead producing only a black screen with cursor and no music after the symlinking mentioned by everyone else. I tweaked for many a night attempting to get it working with zero success. Then... a miracle happened. Wine updated.
For no reason I understand at all, when Wine updated on my system itself (currently Wine-4.0-rc2 Staging) it seems to have fixed whatever was hanging up on Steam, and the game began to open up flawlessly. I've clocked 103 hours with no additional issues.
Like others have mentioned, the game does not work out of the box, Because Origin. User Spüdley's report mentioned the following command, however, which works perfectly on the (current) latest version of Proton from Steam: chmod -R 555 ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238040/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application\ Data/Origin
Alt+Tab will cause the game to crash for me. (Current setup is Gnome3, X11)
Mods also work, but don't always seem to work as expected when it comes to graphical changes. YMMV on that one. Non-Graphical mods have worked flawlessly, however.
Booted up perfectly, all settings run smoothly at max without stuttering or frame drops of any kind. Controller is perfect.
Game seems to crash consistently after a certain amount of time playing. (Based on testing, seems to be about 20 minutes.) Does not appear to be related to area of the game being played.
This game has come quite a long way. If you can deal with the consistent crashing, it's actually playable. All menus, cutscenes, voices, etc, work flawlessly. If the crashing issue can be fixed, it might reach 'gold' status in Glorious Eggroll releases if nowhere else.
With the recommended tweaks to get passed the initial black screen issue, the game runs pretty much flawlessly.
protontricks 1113000 wmp9 quartz devenum
Controller support also works perfectly. The entirety of my hours logged are via Proton, and I'm likely to have many more. It's very much worth getting.
Delete prefix in steamapps/compatdata, it's the folder 1113000. Then run:
- protontricks 1113000 wmp9 quartz devenum
Download "LAV Filters" from here (choose installer) and install following this process:
protontricks 1113000 --gui
"Select the default WINE prefix", click Ok
Run winecfg and go to Libraries tab
Select devenum and click Remove
Apply and Ok
"Run explorer" and click "Ok"
Navigate to folder with LAV Filters (use the URL, or navigate to Z:\ drive and down to where you saved the installed)
Double click the installer .exe and follow install, with default settings across the board. (Just spam click 'next', basically)
Run winecfg again
New override > type "devenum", click add
Apply and Ok
Close window
Your game should now be working correctly.
Additionally, the PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% option has remained set from my first installation, and may be necessary -- I haven't tested without it.
I made my initial report before the 1.1 update, and things were simpler at that point. Completed my first run in ~100 hours thanks to all the min-maxing I tend to do. Heading back for my second run proved that the update would make things more challenging, but the nice folks below took the extra work out of getting it running again (full credit for instructions to them!).
Currently on my second play-through, and everything is running perfectly as ever. Using a plugged in PS3 DualShock controller with no additional configuration at the highest settings available, no graphical glitches, audio works wonderfully for both languages, etc etc. I feel badly for the gentleman below me, but I promise it works quite well.
A decided joy on 5.0-9
It's worth noting how far this game has come. Used to be that tweaks were needed to get it running smoothly, and even then, significant issues exist. For me, this is no longer the case. It's push-'n-play, all the way.
Install and opening went flawlessly, controller worked, no glitches I can find. So far the only problem with this game at all is that I suck at it.
Installation and start up out of the box work flawlessly. Has the extremely occasional minor stutter, but otherwise no issues during gameplay at all max settings provided I don't switch virtual desktops. Doing that caused things to become blurry, and I had to restart the game. Given that I held off on getting this due to the other reports, this isn't an issue for me at all -- I'm just happy it works so well.