I wouldn't say it needs tinkering much, but I think the game works perfectly fine quite fun, tablet-y feeling game.
Adding Borderless Mode, and V-Sync on helped the game from screen-tearing.
Game works fine, natively, however for multiplayer it needs to be under Proton or so, however the lobby are some-what empty.
6.3-8 is the only thing that worked for me, fun game with friends.
Mostly launching with Proton Experimental, nothing else needed to add.
DXVK_STATE_CACHE=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% -nostartupmovies
Perhaps getting through steam would be better, launching through Lutris > Epic Games is kinda hasile for a normal user
getting it through steam, then launching as native should be fine
Would be excellent for new Linux rookie users, no tinkering needed.
Works perfectly fine. Native support no tinkering or changes needed. (I haven't tried LOcal play, but I assume it works fine.)
Add to Steam Launch commands:
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Base/Binaries/Win64Steam/CivilizationVI'/" )
perhaps switching to Borderless mode (in most games makes it easier to Alt+Tab however I did experience a bit of minor challenge while alt-tabbing.)
You can also still manage to play this game Natively, however you'd only be able to play with LInux users only, or if you want to play Singleplayer andh ave no interests to play online. (Linux/Native Launch will be an older version and it's not compatible to Windows).
if you want to play with both (Crossplatform), switch Proton Experimental and use the commands above.
for var in $(printenv | cut -d= -f1); do export $var=$(echo ${!var} | rev | cut -c1-1000 | rev); done ; OPENSSL_ia32cap=~0x20000000 %command% -window -noborder
V-Sync enable, fun game.
This game ran even much better here than windows, however I did experience some issues before with choosing the right proton version for me.
minor freezes.
game runs fine, although a bit of screen tearing, or freezes. but not that annoying.