15fps once you're in open world, that with FSR 3 on ultra performance with horrendous image quality. It'll look like 320x240 blown up, you'll wish it looked like MH Rise on Switch.
You can enable frame generation, but as expected the input lag will feel like you're playing a cloud version of the game if the server were two continents away.

as long as you dont mind playing on lower resolutions, you can get this game to run at a fairly consistent 40fps (with frame gen).
a lot of hud elements (like focus mode reticle, item bar, quest start and complete icons) are artifacting but not in a way that will disrupt a hunt. not sure whats causing it
a tiny amount of input lag occassionally
I recommend setting game resolution to 1024x640 40fps limit, tdp limit off, manual gpu clock set to 1600, in game settings set to lowest (except for ambient occlussion and contact shadows to make the game look better) and and fsr set to balanced/performance with frame gen
got to go through the main story with these settings, fps may dip a little bit sometimes in hunts depending on the environment and provide a small bit of input lag but its very manageable

Some crashes with default Proton, forcing experimental seems to fix that
Needs proton experimental for preventing crashes. Game is barely playable at mininum settings and frame gen on, but it's not a great experience. The Steam Deck is at it's limit here.

Used per-game profile to set 40 FPS cap and manual GPU overclock to 1600.
40 FPS cap
10 minutes into the game itself (when you choose your starting weapon), the game crashes frequently.

You can definately play this like MH:Rise plays on the switch, frame generation is a must.
Usual frame drops from loading other parts of the map.
Without experimental there were crashes, none after experimental.
The overall performance isnt bad at all, only slow downs happen during level generation/zone switching, early fights are decently smooth with the lowest settings available. MH:Wilds on a "switch" levels of gameplay/graphical quality. It Plays

DPad won't work.
Game will run at "stable" 30fps only if resolution is set to 800x500 and turn frame gen ON, and even then input is really laggy.
You can't use any type of upscaling method or the game goes black.
Until valve (or capcom) can solve the problem with black screen when using any upsaling methods, i can't recommend this game to be played on Steam Deck (at least right now in beta 2).
Its still a beta but the game needs serious optimization. Were talking about 70% better. Given the graphics, this should be achievable.
18-22 fps
When in the oasis where you choose your weapon, it crashes
Unoptimized, when in the oasis where you choose your weapon, it crashes
Windows users are complaining about the performance they are seeing in combination with the graphics. So capcom will probably work on this.

If you optimize it to the fullest and don't mind bad graphics you can play the game. But if it is enjoyable highly depents on your standards
Difficult to read text, because of low forced resolution. Can be fixed with larger texts option ingame.
The game does not render with FSR enabled by default. This can be fixed if you force a 640x400 resolution in the game launch settings.
The game does not seem to support a fullscreen option in the settings
If you set the ingame graphics to the lowest. Force 640x400 resolution in the game launch settings and enable FSR3 ultra performance + frame generation you get about 30FPS in a hunt and about 20 to 30FPS in the hub.
Game crashes frequently sometimes, but sometimes also only once within an hour
Game DCs sometimes from the multiplayer, but never on quest only in hubs or the title screen.

Current verdict based on the demo is a firm "don't bother". The game is seriously CPU bottlenecked on the deck and lacks offline.
FSR seems to completely disable rendering, resulting in a black screen
15-20 FPS average at completely minimum settings
Offline play is unsupported. Disconnecting forces back to menus, and nothing can be done, not even opening the options menu, without an internet connection.
Shader precompilation took about 30 minutes. If you're really going to give this a shot, grab a snack.

I'm only getting at best 15-22 fps.
I've had the game crash a couple of times.
FSR3 upscaling causes the screen to go black, but using FSR3 anti-aliasing works great. Frame generation causes graphical artifacts, and the game still runs clunky. Turning everything to low doesn't improve performance much. I don't thing the beta is very playable in its current state on the Deck.

its just a beta and its working on steam deck for now just some graphic bug and the upscaling dont work you need to disable that
the display was black , you need to disable the upscaling and use the amd native one
some seams , color are not working good in the face detail , some ps2 like model here and there
full screen is not in the option , just borderless and there are some bezel up and down the screen maybe is not 800 but 720 even if the option say 800 pixel
some stuttering 20 fps during video or gameplay
disable the upscaling or you will just see a black screen with audio, in the menu and character creation too, you will not have more tha 20 fps and you need to call for keyboard with steam + x , its a beta

The game compiles shaders, launches, and I can navigate the menus, but there are no graphics? The hunter is not visible in the character creator and there is no background image in the main menu.

The Open Beta is Barely Playable, if you can tolerate visuals akin to a oil painting played on a PowerPoint
UI Elements are pretty small compared to other monster Hunter games, even when turning up the size in game
Everything except the game's UI is a black screen unless you turn off upscaling. There are multiple texture loading issues, such as the quest completion banner, the aiming reticle for the slinger, and some UI events. I'm not sure if it's because of the low settings required to get the game to be playable, but there is a lot of flicker in elements like shadows and light rays.
Game displays grey bars on the top and bottom of the screen instead of black, can be fixed by toggling full screen settings
Runs about 17 fps during gameplay. Relatively stable.
The open beta version works if you fiddle with settings a bit. Just turn off upscaling to actually get any visuals.

limit to 45 fps
crashes, averages 20 fps, cant use fsr or resolution scaling
disable fsr and set resolution scaling to 100%, otherwise blackscreen outside cutscenes

at lowest settings i maxxed out at 10 fps, and it felt like i was playing in slow motion. maybe on a desktop but not the steam deck
text was default a little bad and UI elements weren't great
game defaulted to upscaling mode which causes everything to appear black, though UI elemnts still show through. disabling upscaling mode allowed things to be viewed.
game is very CPU intensive with some alright graphical load a well, this basically means steam deck's APU is gonna melt trying to do anything with this. i don't think there's anything to be done, but honestly seems promising that it'll probably work on desktop (at least in arch environments)

Proton 9.0-3 gets you past the shader issue, disabling upscaling lets you see the main menu background & cutscenes but gameplay + character creator still renders nothing. Attempting to play the game blind will eventually hard crash the Steam Deck.