Although there are minor issues and stability problems, they are about as expected given the game's age.
Audio would occasionally end early, cutting off a word or two of spoken dialogue
Random stuttering and freezing
Game silently exits on proton versions 7.x+ and not all installation steps take place, product registration screen doesn't appear for example, changing proton compatibility version is sufficient to resolve this issue.
Most problems with the game stem from the game itself. Keyboard and mouse is required until the options menu allows you to change input device. The game only properly supports Xbox 360 pads - Xbox One and Xbox Series X gamepads have incorrect bindings and serious limitations on rebinding.
Default bindings puts looking left and right on LT/RT. None of the face buttons are correctly mapped. Default 360 bindings can not be achieved as Target Lock and High Profile can not be bound to LT and RT respectively, one can substitute for LB and RB, although this is a noticeably less comfortable position to hold the controller in longer play sessions.
Steam input didn't appear to work at all for me, controller bindings just completely failed to take effect, although this may be an issue specific to my system - your mileage may vary.
Normal recommendations apply, enable vsync to avoid physics bugs. Swap out intro videos to skip long intro scene.
Has a tendency to crash during cutscenes, which frequently come at the end of long story missions, resulting in 20-40 minute set backs
Lots of instances of small text, combined with a very blurry low resolution font
Game has poor frame pacing even when exceeding refresh rate there are noticable instances of stutter
Typical Japanese developer janky PC port, it's playable but noticably poor quality compared to other games of similar calibre. Actual gameplay itself is entertaining, but until the crashing issues are fixed I can only recommend it on a "YMMV" hardware conditional basis.
Runs flawlessly, but Steam Controller profile might need to be disabled for certain configurations
Xbox Series X controller did not function correctly in wireless mode (BT or dongle), controller had to be connected via USB
Game runs flawlessly, third-party launcher is recommended to avoid native launcher regardless of platform
Fullscreen only listed eDP, had to use borderless windowed to get on external monitor
Only issue with the game is a long initial load time
With exception of requiring the launch argument, the game runs fine and is playable with slightly reduced settings.
Stuttering and occasional lag that wasn't present on Windows. Particularly when streaming assets.
Required the launch arguments: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% Required to select to scan for Windows Live Saved Games in the launcher otherwise the game would not load.
Worked around the issue using GOG executables (preventing DRM related issues) and complex launch parameters to skip the launcher, but the game frequently crashes - especially when loading saves. Do not recommend.