Atomic Runner
Requires switching to a specific Proton version (7.0.6), otherwise you'll experience crashes at startup and random stuttering/freezing
Ingame: medium graphics profile to stay around 60fps
No tinkering, no issues, looks great too
Not necessary, but you can limit TDP to 10W or even lower
Steady 60fps, great battery life due to low TDP draw, you can even run it at double (or higher) native resolution for better AA through supersampling
Using gyro aiming with mouse doesn't work well due to the game briefly pausing inputs when switching between KBM and gamepad controls
Multiplayer and leaderboards won't work
Playable, but without leaderboards it misses a lot
Runs perfectly out of the box at a locked 90fps (OLED) on very high preset. You can even limit TDP to 10W.
15fps once you're in open world, that with FSR 3 on ultra performance with horrendous image quality. It'll look like 320x240 blown up, you'll wish it looked like MH Rise on Switch.
You can enable frame generation, but as expected the input lag will feel like you're playing a cloud version of the game if the server were two continents away.
Not necessary, but limit to 30fps and TDP to 6W for longer battery duration
Text size is fixed, won't scale for lower resolutions
TDP Limit to 10W
No online multiplayer, but online leaderboards work as expected
To keep the launcher from running at every startup, renamed the launcher's exe to anything, and the main game's exe to the launcher's name
FPS limit to half (30fps LED, 45fps OLED), TDP to 10W
No active lobbies, but was able to create my own
If experiencing audio crackling, try the GE-Proton