Runs great using DX11, no serious issues. Mangohud didn't work for me in DX11 so couldn't precisely test frametimes. DX12 mode causes around 10% performance loss, therefore I don't recommend it. In DX12, the frametimes were a bit jittery, jumping between 10-14ms constantly.
Using Heroic Launcher with the GE-Proton7-29, the game runs OK with DX11 enabled - using DX12, the frame drops and frametime issues were unbearable. With DX11, there are some random hiccups, but nowhere near as bad. If there weren't for the spikes, it would be perfect.
Change Proton version to Steam-Play-None (installation required)
Every Proton version I tried causes microstutters which are very annoying
As many others mentioned, you need to install Steam-Play-None (https://github.com/Scrumplex/Steam-Play-None) for smooth gameplay. In fact, if you have ProtonQT-up installed, in only takes a few seconds to do so (just make sure it's up-to-date).
Without it, I was seriously getting nausea, it's not even funny.
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=0 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Runs worse then on Windows 11, AVG 60 fps vs. AVG 75 fps
DLSS is bugged, as others have mentioned, after map or inventory, the right third of the screen is black or blue. Have to use FSR, which oversharpens everything, not a great experience. All in all, the game works, but for these reasons the Windows version is significantly better on my rig.
Slight black artifacts on grass.
Runs and looks pretty great on the Deck. For consistency, use 40Hz/FPS mode. With GE Proton 49, there are no audio/cutscene issues. The slight black outlines on the grass aren't annoying to me at all. On the first start it didn't detect the Steam controller, needed to adjust it on the Steam Input overlay. Exiting the game seems to hang it, but this caused no issues so far.
Runs great with Proton 7.0-3, within the margin of error compared to the Windows version (without DLSS)
Tried Experimental, but it caused audio glitches randomly. Overall great experience, FSR 2.0 also helps, but introduces jaggy edges (especially visible on walls).
Runs great, very comparable to the native Windows version. Stable, no significant slowdowns.
Ran out of box just fine, but switching to Experimental helped close the gap between Linux and the Windows version. Stable multiplayer too. Great experience.
Overall great experience with a few random hiccups
Proton Experimental introduced random sound glitches, so I'm sticking with 7.0-3. Runs very well out of the box. Almost identical performance compared to the Windows version.
With mixed medium to high settings, I'm constantly sitting on 50fps w/ 50Hz. There is no support for 1280x800 though, so it runs in 1280x720 (or at least I couln't find the option).
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
The game runs very well, occasionally stutters from shaders (altough sometimes, there are no stutters in a game session at all). Only stable with Proton 7.0-4, other versions cause crashes near bandit camps, as others have mentioned. When using private server, make sure to exit to menu and wait a bit, exiting to desktop may cause some of your progress to disappear.
Some text are very-very small, but not a deal breaker for me.
Regardless of settings, the game is poorly optimized - regardless of platform.
Overall a great game and an acceptable experience, but something is seriously wrong "under the hood". Having performance issues on an RTX2080 as well, so not related to the Deck or Linux.
The game runs constantly close to 60FPS with medium and high settings. I recommend the Proton version vs. the native port for better performance.
You can increase the text size in the settings.
Use Proton GE, because the default version won't show the cinematics, just black screen. Overall great experience!