Runs flawless OOTB
No problems whatsoever.
Besides an Audio Issue, the game is exactly like it is on Windows.
When certain characters spoke too high in volume, they could cause a sound corruption.
Like with most games, you should be using the propietary/non-free drivers.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Very rarely: audio missing for about 20 seconds
Works perfectly fine out of the box. Just click "play" in Steam!
Runs perfectly, no tweaks required
Completed game without issues
Runs perfectly OOTB
Completed game without issues
Game is completable without problems
I finished the game without any issue, it ran flawlessly from beginning to end
Works perfectly out of the box
Run flawlessly out of the box
Works great right out of the box
Tabbing out of the program pauses the game, unsure if it's a feature or a bug
5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
Works perfectly.
It worked out of the box until the end of the game, no issues.
5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
Used Glorious Eggroll's fork of proton (5.9-GE-5-ST).
I did not encounter any issue with Proton GE, though the game crashed once, but it might not be related to Proton. This wasn't much of a big deal since the game has auto saves.
I didn't try vanilla Proton, since some people reported issues in chapter 5.
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
I finished the game and strictly no problem is shown
After the patch put out today there has been a significant decrease in play-ability
Audio, fps, and mouse all lag at same time now
In chapter 5 there are characters you need to see in order to progress. You can't see them
Audio, fps, and mouse all lag at same time now
Laggy mouse, and now occasional graphic hiccups
Chapter 5 is broken because of missing graphics that affect your ability to solve a puzzle
Runs great if you're willing to use a custom proton to support essential embedded videos.
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
Video used in Ch5 does not render in steam provided proton. Had to switch to this custom version. At this time of writing, the video MUST be playing for the game to proceed so it is essentially a softlock if it isn't working.
Works great with the exception of the softlock in Ch5 with current Steam provided Proton.
If you're willing to install a custom Proton it will work:
It was about 2 min of effort and steam restart to make it show up as an option so not a huge headache.
So far just works out of the box without issue.
The mouse lag can be distracting, but never impeding
It seems to randomly lag