It started with very low resolution, where I could not identify the letters. After guessing where I could change the graphics quality (forth item in the main menu is the "settings", and after that, the cone on the left is the quality, above is higher), the game ran perfectly.
Remove the line below from file cm3.ini: StartupMovies = "Movies/loading.mp4"
It worked with Proton GE 6.9-2. I had to edit the file ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Makaimura_GG_RE/config.ini and change TargetPlatform=DirectX12 to TargetPlatform=DirectX11
The main appeal of game is create levels and play custom levels, but the game crashes as it needs to connect to server to do that.
Multiplayer don't work. After level 3 I guess, the game tries to connect to server to download user levels and it crashes.
I tried first on Windows and experienced lag in the end game. On Linux that never happened! It actually ran better on Linux :)
Out of box with Enable Steam Input. Native linux version is not the last version of the game.
It works setting Enable Steam Input and restarting the game once after that.
It would be enjoyable only if you are ok with running on lower graphics setup
In Windows, it runs perfectly on max graphics, but on proton, it has low FPS with the same setup.