Runs out of the box.
Do not use GE proton for this game, otherwise it will not launch. I'd assume it's due to anticheat, but unsure.
Runs out of the box.
Works with mods. Do not use GE proton, will not launch that way.
Runs out of the box, no tinkering needed.
Use default proton, as GE proton did not work. I'd assume due to anticheat, but unsure.
Follow instructions in this post
Can run with both GE and default proton versions.
Runs out of the box
Works with workshop items. Game always crashes when closing it, but this is irrelevant for playability.
-provider Portal
Use the launch option just if you had an account before the steam port and wants to use steam to run the game, just do not buy things through steam, though. Use their official website or official retailers.
Otherwise, the game runs perfectly. Although it is very poorly optimized and in heavily populated areas you will likely have FPS drops regardless of hardware.
gamemoderun %command%
DX12 Option runs better than vulkan for my PC.
Runs out of the box.
Vanilla game runs flawlessly. Unable to make it run modded through r2modman.
Runs out of the box.
Soemtimes on loading screen the game would be displayed weirdly on fullscreen. Pressing alt+enter a few times fix it.
Can run with both GE and default proton versions.
Sometimes the game will kidnap your cursor and force into the game, while not able to move it even inside the game. Not sure what causes it, but it's rare and might be avoidable by using borderless full scree, but not sure about it.
See screen problems for this.
Nothing major, but when I first launched the game it loaded the updater just fine, but after hitting "play" from that said updater the game did not launch and an error appeared, which apparently fixed itself after launching again.
DX11 and DX12 both gave me similar performance, but I think DX12 is slightly better, but might vary from PC to PC, test it out.
Also, Proton GE did not work for me.