Flawless Experience
This game requires online access, but I did use the "Team" setting and played some areas just fine.
Everything worked as intended, no tweaking needed.
Need to install chrome and start the game once in desktop mode to use Google oauth login if used previously
Changed right trackpad click to m1 and left trackpad to m2
Some text is small
Game runs good. I use texture high, effect medium, shadow low, anti qliading on
Funcionou perfeitamente, sem nenhuma dor de cabeça
overall not bad, if you're okay with using touchpad for menuing then you'll be fine. 3.5ish hours of battery life on 60fps 10 tdp.
FPS cap 60 (through steam) TDP Limit 10
TDP 10
"full controller support" is advertised but doesn't work too well. actually controlling your character in game is fine, but navigating menus require touchpad a lot of the time, and feels like a confusing chore when controller actually works.
Проблем не наблюдаю. Играю уже 12 часов. Стабильно 200-400 фпс.
Sometimes game crashes when escape from fullscreen or windowed
Runs out of the box.
Soemtimes on loading screen the game would be displayed weirdly on fullscreen. Pressing alt+enter a few times fix it.
Fun game now that official controller support added
When I first tried this game a few weeks ago, it was unplayable on Deck due to lack of controller support. The developers recently added controller support that works 90% great with the Deck. There are still some menus such as the talent screen and shop that require touchscreen input, but it's still completely playable. The action itself works fully with the Deck controls and they even have an official Deck control scheme in-game to choose. Whether this free Diablo clone game is good or not later on, I don't know since I'm only an hour in, but at least it works now with controllers.
Occasionally my keyboard was not recognized when starting the game, a restart of the game seems to fix.
its running, but not showing up anything, then crashed
No native Gamepad support YET, so probably better on PC. Remember to use Desktop mode for first startup, for Google Verification
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
I seem to have a few hiccups with the game crashing if it doesn't connect properly to the servers upon launching the game, but once you're in you're fine.
For the Steamdeck, you need to boot the game up in "OS_MODE" first and run it through steam so you can sign in through firefox / etc, as the CEF browser used in Gamescope mode is rejected by google for signin.
once you've done that one time, will the game run flawlessly afterward beside occasional hiccups on initial boot.
Works out of the box
Without tinkiering had menu and font issues at login
Works OOTB
Just few font missing (eg: EULA during startup screen). Nothing preventing to play and have a lot of fun with this game.
Some loading animations get stuck for a few seconds. But once you're in the game it runs fine.
This UE4-engine'd game fails to start.
"Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 258] CreateSwapChainResult failed at C:/ReleaseW/frontend/trunk/Editor/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/Windows/WindowsD3D11Viewport.cpp:231 with error E_INVALIDARG