Had to run the game through Steam Tinker Launch
The game complains of missing Microsoft C++ runtimes. Once the runtimes are tinkered into place, it works correctly.
Works purrfectly
I've not had so much as a single issue -- everything is exactly as it should be.
Works almost perfectly
There is one tiny stutter -- for considerably less than a second -- when entering the boss room.
The default DOSBox installation does not work.
If you have your own installed version of DOSBox, the game itself can be run manually that way (and it works just fine), but it will not launch directly from Steam.
Disabled Steam Input
My controller did not detect and would not work until I disabled Steam Input, after which it worked a treat.
The game does not always successfully return to the main menu from gameplay; sometimes it hangs up and has to be killed manually.
Almost perfect.
The game occasionally hangs when the window loses focus for a few minutes.
The game does have a weirdly long startup time, but no slowdown to speak of once it's actually running.
Minor, though distracting, display errors.
Incorrectly-rendered glyphs. Much of the game's text decoration appears to use a font that's not rendering properly, and I get a bunch of gibberish characters. The main text is still readable.
Multiple versions of Proton -- both official and Glorious Eggroll -- were used, but none of them resolved the issue.
Looks fine and plays fine, but some control issues.
The buttons on my controller do not accord with the buttons the game claims its actions are bound to, and not all of them can be rebound to fix the problem.
Almost spotless.
It took a minute or so on first launch before the game would recognise my controller. Once it began working, though, there were no further issues.
A great Game Boy detective game!
Input using an analogue stick has very high latency, though d-pad input is unaffected. This is a known issue that affects the Windows version as well.
The game comes as a .gbc file, so, in extremis, if the bundled emulator isn't working out for you, you can fire it up in any Game Boy emulator you happen to fancy and it should work just fine.
Works almost perfectly
There is significant slowdown whenever the music is not playing -- in save rooms and when the track loops.
Game crashes on startup
I tried several Proton versions (including Glorious Eggroll), but nothing helped; the game crashes on startup every time.
Sound does not reliably work when the game is started via the launcher; running without the launcher works fine.
Sometimes the "resume" option from the main menu causes the game to hang, though loading the same save manually from the "load game" menu does not.
Occasional frame rate drops, often when there's a lot of fire in the scene.
DIsable the lighting when you go outside, and everything's fine.
The exterior areas, with the heavy snowfall, run unreasonably slowly for some unknown reason. I tried multiple Proton versions (including Glorious Eggroll) and found no improvement. Disabling the lighting effects in the game options fixes the problem, however, so it's simple enough to work around.
The default version of Proton fails at startup. Switching to GE allowed the game to launch.
Minor polish issues, but all functionality is intact
The UI font is hard to read, and there are occasional dialogue boxes that render incorrectly (still perfectly usable, just unsightly).
For whatever reason, the "playtest" function opens the playtest window at the bottom of the stack rather than the top, so it has to be switched to before it can be used.
The game does not run at all without following these instructions to enable Esync: https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/HowToEsync.md
Requires Esync compatibility
Works a treat once Esync is enabled!
Just works right out of the box
Some transparency effects do not display properly
Seems to play exactly the same as I experienced natively on Windows
Almost perfect, except the fullscreen issue.
The game initially starts in fullscreen mode, but, upon switching to windowed mode, it does not successfully switch back to fullscreen.
Game launches properly, and music plays, but no graphics display.
I tried multiple Proton versions, including Glorious Eggroll, and no love. Absolutely nothing would display.
Works just as it should.
I did have the game fail to start up exactly one time; given the number of times I've started it, this seems like an acceptable fluke. I tried starting it up again and everything went fine.
The game works correctly... but it scarcely needs to.
It's explicitly a "do nothing" game, so all it has to do is not crash. Which it succeeds at.
Crashes on startup without protontricks tweaks, but doesn't work even afterward
protontricks 268770 mfc42
Using protontricks to fix the missing DLL prevents the game from crashing on startup, but even then it never reaches the main menu; it loads to a black screen and sits there doing nothing further.
Minor issues at launch, but seems to be flawless now.
In older versions of the game, occasionally the game would stop accepting input altogether, and had to be killed manually and restarted. This appears to have been fixed in an update, as I have not seen it occur in quite a while.
Feral Interactive's native port has always been poor, but, as of the Anniversary Edition update, it appears to have become unplayable; it consistently crashes at the mission results screen, meaning that it's impossible ever to complete a mission. Fortunately, the Windows version plays fine through Proton.
No amount of tinkering got the game to run.
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
I tried quite a few tricks and tweaks, all to no avail.
I tried multiple versions of Proton -- both official and unofficial -- along with all the recommended launch options found in the other reviews, and the game would crash on startup every time no matter what.
Three months ago, nothing I did would convince the game to run. Now, suddenly, it works just fine, minus some issues tabbing away from the window. As far as I'm aware, I haven't changed anything relevant, but a win's a win!
Allegedly a native client, but it does not work out of the box.
Almost perfect
I noticed one very minor oddity on the options menu: after changing an option, the cursor sometimes ended up jumping to a different menu selection. This is very nearly a trivial problem, however.