Runs perfect, using XBox compatible controller (Razer) without any issue, stable, smooth
Keep in mind that you will need to run twice in first time, idk why but after failed attempt (crash in licence check), then when you close and open it again, works without any issue
Yes but I ensure good experience in Single player mode.
AA is not applied to some UI elements.
In FHD main menu buttons seems with low texture quality, but if you put bigger resolutions will fix it.
There are some fonts replacements, or not rendered correctly, are perfectly readable but is evident is not like that by design.
Account Login is not working.
Not widely tested but I try to espectate online a game and become out of sync after few minutes.
The button to download HD textures (DLC) from steam store is not working normally, to start download you will need to go to your library, then select this game, in bottom right you will see a "DLC" Section click and open the popup, and there you can enable this DLC and will start this download. (YES 16gb)
Just works out of the box
tested in 4k with max graphics settings with 1080 with Nvidia drivers without any shuttering or lag of any kind, stable 60 FPS
Missing background in main menu, game loads successfully, volume controls do not work, must be modified from OS. It's playable with minor tweaks, with a little less performance than W10
Renamed "BorderlandsGOTY.exe" to "Launcher.exe".
A little input lag only in ULTRA, but is no so so hard, you get used to it.
Cap you FPS to 60
TLDR: Game starts, and crashes when tries to load the world map. I try set launch options to PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%, with this workaround i see something and i can interact with menu, after this you need to put the game in windowed mode, because if you dont and the game loses focus it will crashes, you can put the game in windowed using Left Alt + Enter or using resolution options.
- Play in windowed mode, or fullscreen without losing focus or minimize, if you do minimize in fullscreen will crash.
- No sound
To run this game you need to run this command: protontricks 312530 -q dotnet40 dinput --force. (avoid the last dot) This command avoids UI, thats the q parameter, and then ignores another possible dotnet install, and overwrites it, this avoids touching registry, after that like most of the games, you need to put in windowed to avoid crash when minimize or lose focus, and you can fake fullscreen/borderless using Kwin (Plasma) Window application rules, forcing size, no decorations/border. Keep in mind that if you test some patches or protontricks before, may you need to uninstall and install the game to get a clean start, I did that.
Well, this game starts well, do not have as usual minimize issues, but cannot pass the game slot selection, i read in other reports that copying some files from windows work, but that is not a viable solution for all users, so thats why i put this game in "borked"
As many games that runs over wine/proton has problems when minimizes or lose focus, try to avoid fullscreen, with a good window manager (like Kwin) that can remove decorations can mimic "borderless fullscreen" using windowed in game, but in this case try to avoid window size change, it has weird behaviors.
If i want to use controller, after press any key keeps returning to first item of menu, please avoid DS4, idk how behaves the rest of controllers.
As mentioned in other reports, game get frozen when you exit the game, you must kill that window.
After this little issues, the game behaves normal, no input lag, no shuttering, everything seems smooth.
Runs out of the box, detects controller (DS4), as many games that runs over wine/proton has problems when minimizes or lose focus, try to avoid fullscreen, with a good window manager (like Kwin) that can remove decorations can mimic "borderless fullscreen" using windowed in game. I feel a little input lag, nothing annoying with mouse. IDK if this is an issue, but game detects or mouse or controller but not both, if you want to change, you need to restart the game (gameplay control). I play first campaign with no issue.
After some proton updates, without any additional CLI argument now game starts, you can see logo of the first screen, you can use the menues but I cant see anything of the level, using DX3D/OGL flags will crash on startup.
Generally the game works perfect, out of the box, idk if "Silver" applies really here. No tweaks added, just launched with lastest proton beta (3.16.4b). I play a session of 2 or 3 hours with no issues except one that described below. I went to all menues, and lot of scenarios without any mayor issue.
Sometimes when on screen are lot of monsters that makes sounds, sound becomes glitchy, then when monsters become less in quantity returns to normal
The game starts well, loads a saved game, but when you enter to "Ultimate mission mode" or "Free battle mode" game crashes, in last mode you can choose characters and details without problem, but when try to load level, crashes.
- Tested in low and high quality settings windowed and fullscreen.
- Controller is detected (Steam controller)
- Game stops (black screen) after restore from minimize, so avoid minimize the game or alt+tab, run in windowed mode to avoid that issue.
If you have issues with current video configuration you can edit config located in /config.ini.
Keep in mind that this game has two different game options (weird), one outside game and one inside, so if you want to change video options is the options that are when you choose new or load game.
As many windows games, has problems with minimize, minimizing game will stop or stop rendering showing black screen, to avoid this problem first you need to edit config.ini and set windowed=1, then to simulate a borderless you can via window manager (KDE can do this) disable borders and title for this application, left click on title bar, more actions, application settings or something like, im not using KDE in english so can differ, in there, in third four tab (last) you can see something like "no title, no border", check that, and then, force, and radio yes, accept changes and done, from now and on you have a "borderless" window.
Run in windowed mode, and maybe you may need to lower graphics, because seems like consumes more resources comparing to Windows version
Battle eye failed to start, this service is required to launch the game
Game works perfectly, has problem with fullscreen and alt-tabbing, so to avoid it, put it in windowed mode, and in Kwin (KDE) you can remove borders and decoration and force your resolution, in window rules, because in windowed you cannot cover all the screen, the old networks problems has been resolved
Everything seems to work fine, the only issue (Invisible characters / dinosaurs) is fixed with custom command line options:
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Launcher options PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%, is slow than windows version, as many games it has problems in fullscreen (even in windows has some), i recommend to put this game in windowed borderless to avoid any problem, there are some missing textures freezes when loads new attacks or mobs
Suggested ingame configuration: Window borderless, disable shadows, and depends of your system quality downgrade graphic settings, at the moment i dont have any crashes at all with this configuration
- Screen tearing can be solved from nvidia settings "Force composition pipeline"
I combine all different flags with internal configuration, maybe you can play for 3 hours with no issue, but suddenly when you pass thought a portal or charging a new level the game crashes, after hours of testing with lutris version that uses tgk patched wine with no issue at all, i grab command line options used in lutris to steam-proton, the first is must have (preloads textures, shaders): --waitforpreload --nologo --nodx9ex --gc2 but with proton still crashing randomly :(
I remove old flags from proton, I do not remove old params that are necesary to preoload and avoid shuttering that are:
%command% --waitforpreload --noasync --garbage-generation 1
Some shuttering, but it can be worst, but the game uses dynamic resolution that smooth a little the problem.
To improve the proton experience with this game, in launch options please put the following: %command% --waitforpreload
This is not a command/flag from proton, is an option from the game, this game has a feature that loads on demand parts of the game, in windows this works flawesly, but in linux shutters a little.
Keep in mind, this option preloads everything before login screen, so adds time to initial loading, but worth it.
If you have SSD, install the game in there, improves a lot loading times.
Needed wine D3d11, if not present game crashes on start.
After that, seems to work well, but has some graphical glitches i think with lights, sometimes (i dont know really what causes it) screen turns dark "light off", it can be solved changing camera, is not optimal but works.
Games detects Logitech wheel, and force feedback out of the box.
I test all flag combinations, game runs "well", 5 FPS with a 1080 GPU is unacceptable, this game needs to run perfect to play it properly, so yes it works but I cant play.
No wine/protontricks just launch options: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_OLD_GL_STRING=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command%
In my arch based distro I have to install lib32-openal in order to launch the game.
Works out of the box, depends on your hardware you may lower video settings
if you re-map some buttons on controller ignores that new mapping (SteamController).
I think is because steam SDK is not fully implemented and not the game itself.
Some FPS drop in UHD resolution specifically in transitions.
Works out of the box 9.5/10 with some minor issues in controller re-mapping
If you re map some keys in steam the game will ignore the mappings.
Does not work - DX12 error
After splash screen of EAC the following erros pops: "DirectX 12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument."
I tried different suggested cli arguments I read from protondb, with different proton versions, with no luck, all end with the error described early.
Using protontricks game works perfect: "protontricks 644930 -q --force vcrun2017 dotnet472 gdiplus". In my experience, I need to remove and install again because previously I play with protontricks trying to run this in early days, so may you have to do the same in case do not work out of the box. Enjoy this excellent game!
protontricks 644930 -q corefonts vcrun2017 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 dotnet472 gdiplus win7
Do not detect second display, I just make windowed and put fullscreeen in second monitor, or to make it persistent I create rule in Kwin and I force "borderless"
Game complains to not be able to upload data to steam cloud, IDK if this always happens.
There are shuttering every few seconds, but improves a lot from the last time I tested It with the same hardware, I think near half a year back.
I try to downgrade graphical options with little or no improvements at all.
10/10 As native
One thing to notice, first time that I run the game it crashes, after that runs normally
The game works, not 100% as works in windows OS, but if you want to play some matches with friends I think it's fine.
The game goes little slower than expected, but seems to work better at maximum render detail (in game options)
If you navigates to bottom of the main menu, game will crash.
Game do not connect to internet, and because of this cant update player statuses.
You will need to execute settings.exe to adjust resolution/fullscreen using same prefix and put the settings file in proper location.