out of the box

I cannot access the settings so the game is stuck in a too high resolution for my GPU and runs in a window.
I cannot access settings. The winetricks hack that's shared here did not work.
Pulsando f11 se activa una especie de pantalla completa mal hecha.
The game works perfectly. They don't work full screen.
The game starts only in the window. See video https://youtu.be/e-V2vVcNmlA
If anyone would like to fix it: https://wiki.sgripon.net/doku.php/run_pro_evolution_soccer_2019_in_fullscreen_mode_on_steam_on_ubuntu_linux
Be able to work out of the box. The only problem is the game resolution. This can be fixed easily using wine and winetricks.
To run Settings.exe, please follow link here -> https://wiki.sgripon.net/doku.php/run_pro_evolution_soccer_2019_in_fullscreen_mode_on_steam_on_ubuntu_linux
Require a tweak to run Settings.exe

Game runs flawlessly, no network issues. I was able to run settings.exe and set resolution / fullscreen and gamepads. I tweaking the prefix, by running winecfg and changing to winxp, then winetricks for installing the following packages : msxml13 dotnet472 vcrun2017 ( had to manually download installer wrong sha256 for it with winetricks) takao and switching back to win7 with winecfg.

Couldn't get Settings.exe initially to run to generate the required .dat file. Tried running Settings.exe with wine and Mono 4.7.0 (and various others) no joy.

Game works perfectly, has problem with fullscreen and alt-tabbing, so to avoid it, put it in windowed mode, and in Kwin (KDE) you can remove borders and decoration and force your resolution, in window rules, because in windowed you cannot cover all the screen, the old networks problems has been resolved

1- Settings.exe requires dotnet472 and does not work with Proton for me, even with the Steamworks Common Redistributables package installed. To workaround I use Wine-Staging with dotnet472 installed to set up the game.
2- The game will crash when entering or navigating through the main menu. To workaround I disable the internet connection.
With the above mentioned in mind, the game runs very well on highest settings.

Crash already when navigating in the menus. On recent proton version (3.7.8) I was able to play on low but now it's unplayable. :'(

How did you run in full screen? What I have to do? In window mode it runs out of box.

Crashes (to desktop) when reaching main menu (sometimes even before then). Disabling Esync didn't help.

no tweaks are used since there were no tutorial and also help from anyone.

It is running perfectly in Window Mode. Online does not work! How did you get running the Settings.exe? And is there any issue about the gamepad?

Runs out of the box, without fullscreen

Disconnect from the internet before starting the application to prevent log-in. The game will crash--or at least that has been my experience--if you connect to the Konami servers. Once you reach the main menu, you can reconnect to your network. PES 19 works at Gold-Platinum level, but I must give it a Silver rating as online functionality--the biggest draw for many fans--appears to be inaccessible.

I tried the demo with this new proton beta and it works well, it didn't work with the previous versions. (my config is weaker than the minimum reqs.)

Works perfect in Fullscreen (QHD)

Runs very well but no full screen.

Works, little bit stuttery due to sync issues I believe. Settings.exe doesnt work so no fullscreen...

Crash after run main menu

Menus work, any 3d rendering crashes the game.

Opens and loads. You can configure your initial settings but once it reaches the main menu it crashes everytime.