The game looks and runs very good. Had one freeze just before finishing the first Act, but overall it's a great experience.
Beautiful game, ran it through Epic Games Launcher using Lutris and Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST as Runner. Runs perfectly smooth, zero issues.
The game doesn't run. The devs pulled the plug on Linux for EAC with the classic "cheating" cope.
"In our efforts to combat cheating in Apex, we've identified Linux OS as being a path for a variety of impactful exploits and cheats. As a result, we've decided to block Linux OS access to the game."
Here's a link to the article: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1172470/view/4478359995220492520?l=english
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%
The game runs pretty much the same as it does on Windows.
Playing through Heroic Games Launcher with GE-Proton7-18 no issues whatsoever.
It works... but you can't queue MM with Proton, you gotta use Native. Significant performance issues with Native.
gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -nojoy -novid -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system --force-grab-cursor
After around 2 matches the game starts stuttering, and the Native version has poor performance.
It does run, although it doesn't run too well. The performance on Native version isn't great and after playing for a while the game starts stuttering and lagging, so you gotta restart it once it happens. Tried running the game with Proton Experimental and GE Proton but the issues is you can't queue Matchmaking and you get some VAC file mismatch error. So only the Native version is somewhat playable.
Around 10-15 FPS less compared to Windows
It runs very well, although there is a little hit to the FPS compared to Windows, it still runs very well and is very much playable. Love the game and playing it on Linux makes the whole cyberpunk experience more complete.
It is playable out of the box, offline only, and expect few stutters and frame drops from time to time. But the game runs great in general.
From time to time the game stutters a bit and loses frames here and there.
Online doesn't seem to work at the moment (probably won't work in the future).
gamemoderun %command%
The game runs flawlessly, really enjoy it not a single issue.
Crashes every time after the "Welcome to Mexico!" line.
Literally unplayable.
Keeps crashing.
Don't waste your time.
The game is still broken, it should not be listed as Silver, Bronze at best. If you're on NVIDIA GPU just avoid this game, you won't play.
Sometimes the shadow textures start blinking
Steam Cloud Saves didn't work at first and also after I logged in to my MS account, I got the "The forza horizon profile you are trying to load is no longer available" error. Then it somehow fixed itself.
Game instatntly crashes after leaving the garage
The game is unplayable on NVIDIA GPU's, it instantly crashes after leaving the garage.
Game doesn't work.
Doesn't matter if you launch with Steam Offline mode, game still crashes.
Absolutely pathetic work from PG, Turn 10 and Microsoft, the game does install, you can launch it, play with settings and all that stuff, but as soon as you leave your garage, the game will just crash. There's nothing you can do about it (unless you own an AMD GPU). On NVIDIA it's just broken, and I doubt it's NVIDIA driver issues. The game somehow favors AMD systems, and not even all of them. The devs just don't care.
Sometimes the textures blink, it's not annoying but it happens.
Had to lower the preset from Medium to Low, had a lot of stuttering and just didn't perform as well as it does on Windows, but on Low preset everything rurns perfect.
Overall pretty good experience, and finally runs on NVIDIA with Wayland.
No issues whatsoever. Just works straight out of the box.
gamemoderun %command%
No issues whatsoever.
gamemoderun %command% --use-d3d11
The game runs very good, pretty much the same experience as on Windows.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=8 LD_PRELOAD="" PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -r 60 -e -f -- %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan --force-grab-cursor
Sometimes, when you Alt+Tab and then refocus the game, it becomes really stuttery. You might want to Alt+Tab a few times until it fixes itself, that usually works. Also, there's the white border in borderless mode, but I think it's the same on Windows.
screen keeps blinking
Lots of stuttering
Lot's of stuttering and blinking screen, unplayable at the time. The game installs and launches without issue but it's impossible to play with all the screen blinking and stuttering.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Nevermind what I said in my previous report, the game runs pretty much the same as it does on Windows 11. The issues I had were caused by Wayland not working too well with NVIDIA drivers especially on older GPU's, switched back to X11 and everything works perfectly fine. :)
gamemoderun %command% -nomoviestartup
Little bit of stuttering from time to time, but works perfectly fine and is very much playable.
Sometimes I experienced a little stuttering from time to time, I assume it could be caused by me running it from a hard drive, also during a lot of explosions and action the game slowed down to around 30 FPS or below, but overall very playable.
Use the Lutris version instead, the Steam version runs, but after a while it starts stuttering like crazy and it's unplayable.
gamemoderun %command%
On Steam, the game starts stuttering after a while (around 2 competitive matches), even restarting doesn't fix it.
If you really wanna play Overwatch 2 then don't even bother with the Steam version. It does run, launches and it's playable but after a while there's a huge drop in FPS and the game starts stuttering and is unplayable. Instead get it from Lutris: https://lutris.net/games/overwatch-2/
The Lutris version works really well and has none of the issues I mentioned above. It runs flawlessly there.
Very fun game, runs without any issues.
Runs perfectly out of the box! Currently running it on Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST
Little stutters after the first launch but after a few races runs very smooth.
The game just works out of the box with Proton. Just install and play. I'll suggest running it with GE-Proton7-17 for the most stable experience, but it's not really necessary.
It's actually a very fun game, make sure you have installed Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime (you can find it in your Steam library).
Every time I launched the game, all of the settings kept going back to default. Very annoying.
Sometimes EAC doesn't fully load so I had to re-launch the game until it fully loaded.
Very fun game, but it often breaks and it's getting annoying. The settings keep going back to default so every time I launched the game I had to do all the settings again. Sometimes Easy Anti-Cheat doesn't fully load and I had to kill the task and re-launch untill it fully loaded.
Also, you need the Flatpak version of Steam for some reason to play this and you need to have Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime installed (if you don't have it, go to your library, search for it and install).
Exclusive Full-screen seems buggy, sometimes can't resume after Alt-Tabbed. I'd recommend playing the game in Borderless if you like to Alt-Tab a lot.
Easy Anti-Cheat
The game runs way better than it does on Windows, you just need to run it with Proton Experimental. However, because of the garbage Easy Anti-Cheat, at the moment you can only play on EAC Disabled servers (such as Deadlock). I really hope Facepunch will enable Proton EAC Support in the near future.
The game works out of the box, no issues at all. Run the Proton version instead of the Native one.
The game stutters a bit from time to time and it doesn't seem to stop. May be related to me playing on HDD, but I'm not sure.
The game works out of the box, no major issuess except the little stuttering. The cutscenes issue mentioned in the other posts seem to be fixed with GE-Proton7-17. Very good game, might be a cool experience on the Steam Deck. :)
The game runs flawlessly. I was very surprised, that it just worked out of the box without any tinkering.
I have installed the game in Lutris, through Ubisoft Connect app: https://lutris.net/games/ubisoft-connect/
Make sure you have enabled BattlEye and Easy AntiCheat in the Runner options before trying to launch the Ubisoft Connect launcher and the game.
I was honestly very surprised with the performance, I'd say it's on par or even better than in Windows. I'm using the default Lutris runner for Ubisoft Connect launcher which is: lutris-7.2-2-x86_64 and it works perfectly fine. :)
gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes running the game in fullscreen crashes, I personally run it in maximixed windowed mode.
I'm using a custom GE Proton version called GE-Proton9-11-rtsp15, you can get it here: https://github.com/SpookySkeletons/proton-ge-rtsp It helps with video players not working on standard GE/Experimental versions of Proton and has some patches specifically for VRChat.
It's a good experience, but the Lutris Standalone version just works better and is more stable.
Standalone version: https://lutris.net/games/warframe/
The Steam version keeps crashing the whole PC after ~1-2h and sometimes instantly when entering high populated areas or big maps like Plains of Eidolon or Orb Vallis. That doesn't happen at all with the Lutris Standalone version.
Do yourself a favor and install the Standalone Lutris version. It works way better, is more stable, doesn't crash and generally has no issues. The Steam version crashed a lot for me, the sound was crackling and everything took a long time to load. I'm running the game with Lutris-GE-Proton8-5-x86_64 (default) and it's just working perfetly. Got 36 hours clocked in and still no issues, zero crashes, load times are same as on Windows. Only had an issue with installation where the update would fail, to fix this I just disabled a few settings in Warframe launcher: Agressive Download, Bulk Download and Network Caching. Then re-enabled them after the game was fully installed.
If you get an error that says Launcher.exe wasn't found, then right click > configure > Game options > executable and change it to: Games/warframe/drive_c/users/your_username/AppData/Local/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe
click save and it should launch :)
You can install the launcher and the game itself, but when you press the PLAY button it shows you some general error.
It's a shame because WW3 looks like a super fun game, and I really wanted to play it. Also I found out that you can launch the game on Bottles with GE-Proton, however the furthest you will get is a loading screen because (I think) the game is not able to connect to your Steam and my.games launcher.