Sometimes small letters in messages. Controls works well but tested only on sarge officer.
Text in subtitles and in some places can be enlarged, but the main character is quite small. Anyway it is quite playable.
Can be adjusted in game options, but not in all places
Runs at once after typical install - automatically added low settings and all is smooth and quite good visually
I need to know where are the similar games. It looks as prepared for steam deck.
Import codemasters cert for the racenet server access: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/6130
Must-have on steam deck with community controls with wheel under the left trackpad for answer numbers
Adding community control layout with answer wheel
Added GE-Proton7-38 with protonup-qt
Small but readable
Controls are not configured properly, not ready at once
Controls not properly setup e.g. EQRZT keys
Needs control polishing, the newest proton
gamemoderun %command%
Crash, only reset remains
It is unstable for all protons from ge-20 through proton experimental to proton 9. Gameplay leads to crashes hanging the system completely.
You need to enable "Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime" in Steam Library. Just type it in Search.
protontricks -s "No Man's Sky" protontricks id_game_from_above dxvk
With the newest proton and mesa, you can load vkBasalt and protontricks to improve visual features. Excellent state!
No gamma in settings
After I cleared Steam Download Cache (Steam > Settings > Downloads > Clear Download Cache) I played without any tinkering.
Works perfectly, very stable in network connections, errors are not connected with proton, but only with gameplay e.g. accidental deaths
gamemoderun %command% -useallavailablecores
If you want uninterrupted gameplay, stable network and voice connections, choose this game.