Just switch to Proton 6.3-8 and the game works perfect

Not fully utilizing graphics hardware
Anticheat will kick you

FPS waren nicht die besten, war aber bei Windows bei mir nicht viel besser.

Unable to connect to online game or friends private match
Game works fine in offline mode
Switch to Proton 6.3-8 and the game will boot up correctly. Offline play works normally, but playing any sort of online does not work as it needs Easy Anticheat.

I mean it runs and you can play it and offline has no problems and you can play multiplayer didnt play mp much due to the community but you
When i was playing multiplayer for no reason the game started running on 2fps on my second online game
Well, apart from the 12 year olds lag sometimes happens on multiplayer as i said earlier
Doesn't go past the load up. Crashed before reaching menu.
The game will install, and you can play single player just fine, but the core gameplay (the multiplayer), does not work, EAC is still required on the P2P connections.
6.3-8 Was used as 7.0-6 will not load the game.

Some textures looked grainy and fragmented.
Frequent crashes and total system freezes.
Entire system would freeze. Alt-Tab and/or CTRL-Alt-Del wouldn't respond. Needed to force shutdown and reboot to exit game.
Could not connect to database at all.
Could not connect to database at all, so no chance of customizing characters. No multiplayer options, even in a private match/local play.
Unlike stated in other reviews i was unable to play or host online lobies due to Easy Anti Cheat
Los FPS son bastante malos
Los FPS son bastante inestables
"Te han expulsado: EAC Kicked: EAC sandbox not active (dummy client)"
No se puede jugar online porque dice "Te han expulsado: EAC Kicked: EAC sandbox not active (dummy client)"
Si uso Proton 7 no puedo llegar al menú, tengo que cambiar a proton 6.3-8
works perfectly if you switch to 6.3-8
Game worked great for me on Steam Deck. FPS ranges between 25-35 but it's very usable. Works great docked too
Official Servers have shut down a few months ago and everything is peer to peer now. No EAC required.
Go to Properties, Compatibility, and force steam to use Proton 6.3-8 if you use anything else, you will get a fatal error before game loads to menu
Proton Experimental
No one mentioned that the game is still playable offline. It does work.

I have a lot of fun with this game although sadly multiplayer doesn't work but that's ok!
nope .. not yet
EAC makes the game unplayable online
o anticheat não deixa a partida iniciar
Game doesn't work with EAC. No option to host a game without EAC enabled. Works flawlessly offline.

runs good but anti-cheat kicks you every time

Sometimes works, but works too poor, it has many fewer fps than his version on Windows. But it crashes frequently, so. Besides, you can't still play online.

I can't play multiplayer, only singleplayer works (nobody plays singleplayer at all) and the audio crackles in menus.

The sound is choppy and online play isn't possible due to not being able to install the included anti-cheat software via steam.

It works even with all low between 8 and 20 fps. It's a trash practically, in Windows I can play with 50 fps, and sometimes something doesn't work when you start a party, a fail/alert appears (problems with D3D11 I think), so at the moment if you can play in Windows, do it.

cracking sounds even on low settings stil crashes offline mode FPS around 10 or 8. not tested online. if you want to play this games play it on windows for now

Single player works, but the sound is messed up. There is some cracking and often the chase music and distraction music will play regardless of where you are. It will interfere with game play if you rely on sound or want a better gaming experience.
Multiplayer does not work. The game will search for a dedicated server for a while and then just close or never find a server.

Audio is crackling in he menu, works fine in the game.. I didn't test Online play - offline play works