A Unity game. Appears to function perfectly for the most part.
Appeared to freeze while doing an autosave. Unsure if the game actually hung or if it was taking an abnormally lengthy time to complete. Most times it autosaves quickly without any issues.
Hangs on launch. Displays the startup window but then never launches the game.
The game is now running perfectly. Very pleased.
Browse local files to locate ui_settings.txt and change the option 'fontname00' from 'Cambria' to 'arial'
Without tinkering the game will crash on launch due to the cambria font being missing. Installing cambria didn't work for some reason. I ended up changing the font to arial which came in the proton prefix by default. I also had to restart steam after installation to get the game to launch for the first time.
Totally Borked
Though it was working in the past, seems to be in a borked state currently. Refuses to launch.
Launching and starting a new singleplayer game and playing works without problems.
Changing the video settings causes render problems in some of the gui screens, fixed by restarting the game.
Updating driver and/or changing proton version causes a black screen on startup fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling.
Minimizing the game when in fullscreen mode causes performance to permanently drop until the game is restarted. Borderless window recommended.
Audio may begin crackling when playing for a long duration.
Faction video cutscenes do not play when starting/winning a game. Awkward solution is to look them up on youtube.
Multiplayer was not tested. No tweaks used.
The main issue is crashing near the end of a mission. It may be possible to avoid this by restarting the game every 2-3 missions.
PREFIX="/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/976890" winetricks d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9_43
The game freezes up when alt-tabbing and needs to be closed.
After some time of play the game will experience a crash. This happened twice in 3.8 hours of playtime. There's enough time to complete several missions in a row before this happens. Progress on the current mission will be lost but can be restarted.
Please note that the app id is now 976890. It may not hurt to check it yourself before applying winetricks/protontricks. You can find the id in steamapps/common/Hidden Deep/steam_appid.txt
Epic Online Services failed to validate dependencies
Apparently it's a recent change, according to recent discussions- but without tinkering the game will not launch now. I haven't attempted any tinkering to get past the problem however.
Failed to load the first time I tried to launch. Switched to proton 6.3-4 and was able to load and play. Performance was good.
Videos do not play, such as the intro video. I've had this problem with certain other games as well.
Very stable despite performance issues and bugs
Progress is saved automatically but specifically lore fragment and echoes of time unlocks from rewards are forgotten between sessions. Lore fragments found in the world are still saved though.
Typically stutters every time a puzzle is accessed, although minor it happens constantly as there are a lot of puzzles. Mildly annoying.
Most importantly no crashes at all and no problems with alt-tabbing in and out. The game did fail to launch while I had both it and the demo installed. Uninstalling the demo and restarting steam fixed this.
Completed the game without any major problems
Windowed mode has trouble sizing properly, and the game launched minimised in fullscreen mode, but can be brought up by alt-tabbing in.
Process continues to run in background at 0 cpu but fails to launch the game.
Loads into the main menu. The text on the buttons did not fit properly. Crashed when attempting to start a new game.
The game appears to lock up at seemingly unrelated moments - in the main menu and during gameplay.
The game doesn't actually crash, however it does freeze and lock my system with it.
The game appears to function perfectly in every other way, up until this occurs. A lockup seems to occur anywhere from between a few minutes to an hour.
Without -force-glcore
the game regularly freezes up on my system making it unplayable. From the support forum: "The game defaults to later versions of DirectX, however not all systems are compatible with these newer display APIs"
If you do have problems check pinned threads in the steam discussions forum.
More or less playable, but with laggy battles and blank cutscenes.
Game runs very slowly during most battles.
Video sequences display only a black screen, although audio plays fine during these.
It's a Unity game and it seems completely stable, flawless if those two problems could be fixed.
Game doesn't run since release of the Subjugation update, which introduced some anti-cheating measures. A black window opens up and then closes. Game ran perfectly prior to it, 125 hours of play time. Very unfortunate.
Depending on how well you tolerate low fps in a citybuilder game.
Very low FPS compared to earlier versions of the game.
The game no longer requires -noshell2 to run. Was able to do a fresh install and play without any tweaks.
The game has gone through a long period of being near-unplayable and a future update may cause problems again, but for now I'm happy to be able to enjoy Ymir again.