Browse local files to locate ui_settings.txt and change the option 'fontname00' from 'Cambria' to 'arial'
Without tinkering the game will crash on launch due to the cambria font being missing. Installing cambria didn't work for some reason. I ended up changing the font to arial which came in the proton prefix by default. I also had to restart steam after installation to get the game to launch for the first time.
had to drop cambria.ttc into proton's dist/share/wine/fonts/ to get past the initial launch error
unable to add notes to tiles. as soon as I type one letter the note become ineditable forever. but easy to live without notes
Game crashs because of missing fonts. Add Cambria font files in steamapps/common/Proton##/dist/share/wine/fonts/ No more issue.
Game works perfectly for me once the font problem is resolved. My steps:
- Force use of Proton 4.11-13
- Download & copy the Cambria font files in steamapps/common/Proton 4.11/dist/share/wine/fonts/
first: startoptions: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% second: install wine64 and winetricks third: WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/889080/pfx/ winetricks cambria
DEITY EMPIRES Program started May 06,2019 23:49:27 Build: Mar 14,2019 00:29:02 Running Win7 64-bit exe steamworks_initialized: 1 GlobalVars.cpp(2425): Invalid file handle ./mods/* Swapchain backbuffer: 1920 , 1080 Exception thrown at location: ....!!reuse\dx11\Render.cpp(818) Error Message:
Please Contact: Deity Empires on Steam
ERROR: Main.cpp(108) *** Exception Handled. Program ended May 06,2019 23:49:30