I had to set the Windows version to WIndows XP with winecfg, after that the game runs as it should, I don't forsee any issues after this, the game has run on wine for years.
Ran as expected though alt+tabbing did cause it to crash once, I had the same issue once on Windows
Had an issue where the window was losing focus but I think that was herbstluftwm being dumb, Game runs flawlessly. The issue was solved by restarting steam.
The first time I launched the game the intro cinematics did not play, after launching again everything ran as expected.
Now that Spatial Audio is working the experience, is possibly as good as it is on Windows or a Console.
Without Proton Experimental spatial audio will not work. There is an issue with sample rates causing crackling.
Can't alt+tab out of Borderless Window but can from Fullscreen
Might be the game, I have not played it on Windows but I should be able to run the game on High, but in order to get stable 60FPS i have to scale back to medium
Set Launch options to "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% --launcher-skip"
I have not tested Multiplayer Versus Matches but everything else works well with a few stutters here and there.
Tutorial ran fine, no performance issues, game launches without issues.
As Mentioned in other reports i had to use the custom ED build for Proton. I also needed to put it in ~/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ instead of a subdirectory in ~/.steam/ after that i had to increase my file descriptor limit which is outlined on the github page.
As of the new Proton version Elite runs without the need for a custom build, however, you still need to install dotnet40 and vcrun2015 and DO NOT run the game with amdvlk, it will cause all light sources to render to brightly and leave the game unplayable, RADV works fine though.
If you're not playing in VR you shouldn't have any of the problems i lised. I have an older report for that.
The VR Preview Window can act a little weird and starts in a very low resolution. Sometimes changing the Resolution or windowing mode doesn't work correctly.
Requires a patched version of wine-mono to run on the latest proton.: https://github.com/redmcg/wine-mono/releases
Only had one issue when i tabbed out of the game to check a webpage, i think that's something to do with my Window Manager though as i have this issue with some other games in Wine/Proton too.
Had some cursor flickering issues but the game played and ran fine without any tweaks.
Had the game freeze after about an hour of playing, Started fine again after that, then got another freeze when starting another mission
Runs fine after adding path to a dxvk_config file as mentioned in the github issue for GTAV on Proton Github.
I was able to get the new Launcher Working after doing this: https://0x0.st/ztbP.txt We are still using DXVK for GTAV.exe in this guide but you can't run the new launcher with it so we have to do dll overrides which are talked about in the guide. I'll put it on my website with permalinks to the images later. This was a huge pain in the ass so make sure to take your free game once you get the launcher to work.
The Origin Overlay does not work in-game. Alt+Tab and you can join friends through the Origin launcher just fine.
Couldn't Run in a Window, but was able to Alt+Tab fine
Origin Might complain about a location to save downloaded games, if you're tired of getting the warning just select a random folder in the prefix.
Occassionally Effects Audio would cut out. I think this is probably the game and not a Linux issue.
Super Fun, Performance was great. Going to Test on the Steam Deck tonight.
The game is fully playable and is a blast to play as stated in my other report. The default control layout for the Deck is a little weird.
Sometimes Audio Cuts out, This is an issue with the game currently not Proton
Default Control Layout is a little goofy to get used to at first
Hopefully no goofy anticheat stuff after Alpha because it runs well and is pretty fun to play