I can get through the settings menu on first startup, then the game crashes seconds after I can see my destroyer.
I've done everything I can short of uninstall & reinstall.
- Deleted Proton prefix
- Verified the game files (although it takes nearly no time)
- Deleted the Helldivers folder in roaming app data
30 fps is doable in the beginning difficulties BUT it gets inconsistent on higher difficulties. It's not worth it if this is the only device you can play it on. It just turns to a suboptimal blurry experience.
Recommended to stick to lower difficulties.

I turn off haptics during battery use.
With these settings I have found that at least up to suicide mission my steam deck doesn't drop below 30fps. Will test higher difficulties later. These are the best settings I have found so far which uses FSR and makes visuals so much better without sacrificing gameplay. This is way better than the new steam settings and other options I have tried.
---IN GAME---
Display Settings:
UI Brightness: 11 High Dynamic Range (HDR): Off Camera Shake Strength: Off Vertical Field of View: 55 Resolution: 1152 × 720 Render Scale: Balanced Display Mode: Window Framerate Limit: On Framerate Limit Value: 60 V-Sync: Off
Graphics Settings:
Graphics Preset: Custom Motion Blur: 0 Depth of Field: Off Bloom: Off Sharpness: 1.00 Texture Quality: Medium Object Detail Quality: Medium Render Distance: Low Shadow Quality: Lowest Particle Quality: High Reflection Quality: Low Space Quality: Low Ambient Occlusion: On Screen-Space Global Illumination: On Vegetation and Rubble Density: Medium Terrain Quality: Low Volumetric Fog Quality: Lowest Volumetric Clouds Quality: Lowest Lighting Quality: Medium Anti-Aliasing: Off Use Async Compute: No
Frame limit: 55 Scaling filter: FSR FSR sharpness: 5

Blurry graphics if the battle going intense, mostly on exterminate mission above lvl 7
Sudden hiccup appear randomly, but not very often, mostly occur when loading in ships, or landing in mission if SOS beacon is alive
Probably on the server side, but ppl do get disconnected quite often in the illuminate front
Display Settings: FOV: 90 Resolution: 1280 x 720 Render Scale: Quality Display mode: Fullscreen Framerate limit: On Framerate limit: 40 fps
Graphic Settings: Motion Blur: 0 Depth of Field: off Bloom: off Sharpness: 1.0 Texture Quality: Ultra Render Distance: Ultra Everything else: off or low or lowest
Performance Overlay Settings: FPS Limit: off TDP Limit: 15W GPU Clock rate: 1000Mhz FSR Sharpness: 2
This gives a 30+ ~ 40+ fps in general mission upto lvl 10 super helldive would dip down to 22+ fps if too much mobs got spawned in a crowded area. But generally you would have a quite smooth handheld experience on the Steam deck with it.

Push-to-talk has to be mapped to a key instead of a controller input.
Game struggles to reach 30 FPS, frequent drops to 20 FPS and below.
The game seems to be simply too much for the steam deck despite a dedicated graphics preset. Can be played at lower difficulties, not particularly fun. The latest update with the addition of maps with settlements is particularly hard on the deck.

Helldivers 2 works perfectly on Linux, not so much on the Steam Deck. Despite having a Steam Deck graphics preset, it's unplayable
Set display refresh rate to 40hz
Much of the menu text for the Galactic War menu is not scaled properly requiring the magnifying tool
Everything is blurry as all hell
The game runs on average at 20FPS or lower if you're fighting the Illuminate, even with everything set as low as they can go.
Despite having a Steam Deck graphics preset, Helldivers 2 runs like ass on the Steam Deck. Everything is blurry as all hell and runs on average at 20FPS, even if you turn the graphics as low as they can go and even lower the resolution it still runs awful.
If you're gonna play it on a Steam Deck, stream the game from your main rig, because right now it just ain't up to snuff on the Deck.

Despite having a "Steam Deck" graphics preset like other games, it runs terrible and you wont be able to make most details
Very blurry
Too many enemies causes FPS drops
Like I said, because they decide to run the game on a lower resolution and have faith on upscaling, the game looks like a blurry mess and its hard to make it out details while moving

does not run at 90 or 60 fps, 30-40 with heavy upscaling

I've followed this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3162103143
Some icons appear blurry.
After lowering every setting, and some tweaking following a community guide about lowering them further, I've reached a playable "fluid" state, however I wouldn't reccomend the experience as everything appears either blurry or blocky. Side note: using the trackpads to input stratagems is fun!

unplayable due to low FPS on deck + stutter on PC : frequent FPS drops, stuttering as well
every single setting on low/off + switched to dx11 to reduce stuttering
the game optimization is basically non existent, barely reaching 35FPS on the ship.
the game crashes for no reason mid game
tons of bugs, might be not related to proton itself but rather how poorly coded the game is.
most of the complains here seem to the related to AMD hardware, the game apprently runs better on NVIDIA GPUs.

New bioms or planets with fog make performance unplayable, around 15-20 fps. Old planets work fine, from 25 to 40 fps.
Sometimes the game crashes
Performance on new planets and overall is worse with each update on steam deck. Difficult to recommend. New planets are unplayable even with low resolution and upscaling. Beware.
the micro not working

Honestly its not that bad.
Ive managed to hit 45 FPS consistently now by turning Anti-Aliasing off and setting most things to low or performance. My advice is to follow one of these other reports and then switch anti-aliasing off, and lock to 45 FPS at 90Hz!

Launch, title menu, see ship, crash, Sony Report menu. Used many Proton ver. Patch 06/13 borked game. Before game fine. Wait 4 patch.
Borked until next patch.

30fps, by default it was drawing ~26-27W. Frame limiting dropped to ~17W.
Power hungry as hell though. Not the prettiest on steam deck. By default it's clearly running down resolution. Changing settings makes this better but you're running minimum settings to get good frames and full resolution.
Not a linux issue but the game freeked out when taking off the dock becasue of network switching from lan to wifi game had to be restarted

30fps game

Ran at 30 to 40 fps on low settings, ran perfectly with literally 0 tinkering. Would recommend on a steam deck
Some tutorial prompts were hard to read

Docked @ 1080p, put all settings to low and tweak a few here and there up one notch (cant remember which), get mostly 30+ fps

I've played until missions of level 6 and it's pretty playable. It's not the prettiestwhen there're a lot of things going on, but it's my main console to play and I'm having fun.
High dynamic range: off
Resolution: 1280x800
Render: Ultra Quality
Then at steam options:
40 fps
FSR at 5
No motion blur
Depth of field: off
Bloom: on
Texture quality: medium
Object quality: low
Render distance: high
Shadow quality: low
Particle quality: medium
Quality of reflections: minimum
Spacial quality: low
Ambient occlusion: off
Lightning: off
Density: medium
Terrain quality: medium
Volumetric fog: minimum
Volumetric clouds: minimum
Lightning quality: low
Anti aliasing: on

Ingame: stratagems activation to short button press (not hold)
D-Pad on right Trackpad, Swapped Map & Start Button, costumized Backbuttons
(capslock is push to talk btw)
Load custom config from https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/9
Render Scale: Quality
Graphic Settings on low except
-Terrain quality
-Object Detail quality
-Vegetation and rubble density
-Terrain quality
These can go on mid (in my tests)
Lock 30fps in Steam Overlay, disable fps showing and have fun

Stutters with some actions in higher enemy-dense missions
3 crashes during my 12hrs on Deck
I crank everything to the absolute lowest settings (other than textures). There seems to be some things that barely effect performance, but when running at the lowest FSR preset with an output of 800p there is really no combination of settings to make this pretty. Just aim for the ~45fps (dips to 20fps) or play an different hardware.

Game just installs and works. If not for the limitations of the Steam Deck linux would have no issues with this game.
There was 1 incident of an audio clip getting stuck but it hasn't happened since.
The Steam Deck Hard is on the lower end so you will have Frame Rate Problems on higher diffculties if there is do many entities on the screen.
There are occasional crashes but that is also happening withs Windows user so it probably isn't proton related.

The game runs great on lower difficulties, fps drops on higher than 7. Mouse and keyboard feels better, so I connected by laptop keyboard.
Some of the button icons are very small, making it hard to know what to click.
FPS drops on higher difficulties sometimes.
Not more than other platforms, but the game still does crash randomly.

Had to use Proton 8.0-5. Launching with default version all I see is a black screen, game would not start.

It's really dependant on the person playing. I have a 4080 in my rig and play at 100+ fps at 4k. On my SD, Im ok running 30 fps
Need an option to increase size of in-game text
After using the config changes, it's improved over stock settings, but it'll still dip below 30 on difficulty 7 or higher.
I highly suggest making config changes. I was running 20-32 fps with low settings. After config changes, I was running 25-40 at higher difficulties. It's not perfect, but it's def playable.

Games lasts about 1.5-2 hours with these settings somewhere between 50fps-60fps unless there's a ton going on, then it drops to around 40fps.
# Game Settings:
- High Dynamic Range: Off
- Camera Shake Strength: Weak
- Vertical FOV: 55
- Resolution: 1280x800
- Render Scale: Quality
- Display Mode: Borderless Window
- Framerate Limit: 60
- VSYNC: Off
- Motion Blur: 0
- Depth of Field: On
- Bloom: On
- Sharpness: 0.75
- Texture Quality: Low
- Object Detail Quality: Medium
- Render Distance: Medium
- Shadow Quality: Medium
- Particle Quality: Medium
- Reflection Quality: Medium
- Space Quality: Low
- Ambiant Occlusion: On
- Screen-Space Global Illumination: On
- Vegitation and Rubble Density: High
- Terrain Quality: High
- Volumetric Fog Quality: Medium
- Volumetric Cloud Quality: Medium
- Lighting Quality: Medium
- Anti-Aliasing: On
# SD Performance Tab (with Power Tools addon):
- Frame Limit: 60 FPS
- TDP Limit: Yes
- Watts: 12
- Scaling Mode: Auto
- Scaling Filter: FSR
- FSR Sharpness: 1

Some texts, especially texts of mission targets are extremely blurry
Game looks awful at lowest setting and can not maintain a steady 30fps
The team chat menu requires the player to type the Enter key to open
All graphical settings are set to low, render scale set to balance, still experience dips to 20s in heavy scenarios

After the fix with the anti-cheat, the game is "playable" but a consistent 30 won't always be on the cards.
At low resolutions, text can become incredibly blurry. At the default resolution, the text can be small and hard to make out.
Using the built-in render scale option in the game, there's potential for some black artifacting, mostly present when looking at the map when selecting a mission.
Depending on settings and game difficulty, performance can, and will, be impacted, this is mostly prevalent whenever a lot of explosives are used (i.e. the eagle cluster bomb, anything to do with automatons on difficulties higher than Challenging, etc.) or whenever a large crowd of entities (enemies and players) are on screen, the latter is most notable when fighting Terminids.
The game is perfectly playable at lower difficulty levels due to the lower enemy density but the framerate is not exactly steady or stable especially at higher difficulties (and player counts, said enemy density scales with party size).
In my time playing the game on a variety of difficulties, against Terminids (the bugs) and Automatons (the, well, robots) alike, solo, I have found that while it is possible to hit 30, certain situations can and will cause slowdown, especially when a large number of enemies are on-screen or when a large amount of explosives are used.
It is, however, possible to mitigate this as best as possible by utilizing resolution settings on Steam's side and the render scale in-game, alongside with fiddling with graphic settings. Most people have found success with playing on Low with Ultra Quality render scale.
In short, the game can definitely hit 30 well enough and 40 is not off the table either, but the game can and will dip to the mid-20s in certain situations. In my experience, it doesn't impact gameplay too much but it is very important to note this as a caveat (and also why I wish I could just say "Well, sorta" instead of Yes or No when it comes to Steam Deck reports but that's not what this report's about.)

set tdp to 10
its a bit smal
might want to tinker with setting

I did the intro on my PC then tried it on my Steam Deck. Just needs the graphics tweaking. Ran ok on low settings.

Runs at 30-40fps (depending on visible enemy amount) on low settings in Ultra Quality render scale.
Earlier issues with launching the game were fixed by patch today (10.02.2024)

Settings I used/followed Motion blur: Optional (I recommend a minimum of 50% for 30FPS gameplay) Depth of field: Optional Bloom effect: Yes Sharpness: 0.75 Texture quality: High Object detail quality: Medium Render distance: Low Shadow quality: Lowest Particle quality: Lowest Reflection quality: Lowest Space quality: Low Ambient occlusion: On Vegetation and rubble density: Medium Terrain quality: Medium Volumetric fog quality: Lowest Volumetric cloud quality: Lowest Lighting quality: Low Antialiasing: On.

disable steaminput
disable steam input