Works for me under proton 6.3-8, used protontricks 47780 msxml6 launch command for activation error
protontricks 47780 msxml6
protontricks 47780 msxml6
Previously played on windows 10, those games saves were deleted despite steam cloud turned on, started new game in linux
Tried also using proton 7,8 and 9. Launched under proton 7 but cannot get past connecting to ea server on starting game(could enter main menu in game); 8 and 9 gave "could not initalize display hardware" issue, didnt even start, finally started and played for few mins under proton 6.3-8, will update after few hours of playtime..

Works right out of the box on the deck. No tinkering needed. Mouse cursor will hang on the main menu screen but disappears right after you start/load the game. A+++++ at max settings.

Works great. Click and Play.
You have lost your connection to the EA Servers. You will be returned to the Main Menu.

Make sure to switch to older proton version, otherwise with the latest proton version it will lock the game's FPS to 60fps.
You need to play it in upscaled 1980 x 1080 90hz mode to fill the Steam Deck Screen. Otherwise it looks fantastic
Use these settings to max out the visuals for OLED
I've completed the game without issues using my Dualshock4 controller and Proton 9.0-3

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY="4:0,1,2,3" DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Nur in der Startoption: WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY="4:0,1,2,3" DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command% eingeben und Proton 9.0-3 einstellen das war es...

Set Launch options
The end scene was a bit wonky, with artifacts on Isaacs model.
The mouse input sensitivity happened to be inconsistent, occasionally happening to be too low or too high.
Every 3rd-ish time tabbing out of the game, the time I tabbed back in, the Game just blackscreened and I needed to restart it.
I guess the Problems I had would occur on a Windows machine as well if not worse. I heard from plenty of people, where the game crashed at launch due to the CPU Core problem. But my machine just launched the game out of the box and it was playable.
I turned VSync off to get rid of the 30fps lock. Although other reports read that physics happen to be wonky when doing this, I hadn't had any problems regarding the usual collision wonkyness these old games tend to have.
If you encounter serious problems with the physics, just use the launch option for the fps limit and set it to your monitors refresh rate.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=[refresh rate] %command%

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
As mentioned around, disable Vsync to get more than 30FPS, but this will break some of the physics. Set the launch options as specified above to work around that issue.
Works out of the box, but it's a shoddy 30 fps port
You can disable Vsync in game if you want more than 30 fps, but this isn't recommended (even on Windows) because it breaks ragdolls and other stuff. If you still want at least 60 fps, add DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 to the command line options. I didn't experience the CPU topology bug (which affects Windows too) or anything like that.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY="4:0,1,2,3" DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Game would crash on startup prior to limiting cores, this happens on windows as well.

Game shuts down attempting to initialize graphics
Can't get working
There seems to be a large issue with key varefacation.... Not me though, that is the one thing that does work!
Attempting to switch to older versions of proton doesnt work, I also attempted to use -nointro DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 with the other versions.
At the end, I couldn't seem to get it to even boot to a menu

Playing this game through Origin is amazing. I was able to play on the max graphic settings, native resolution, and a rock solid 60 fps.
Getting Origin setup on the steam deck requires you to find a download for it on another site than the official one because the download button is glitched and simply does not show up. After you find and install Origin, you have to add it's exe as a non-steam game, and from there you boot it up from steam and install the game and play it from there. You will need to use the touchscreen to full-screen the Origin window after launching it, as well as when you want to launch the game.
Runs fantastic at max graphics; EA account required for online (if it's even online still)
2 files were missing after verifying file integrity; trying to play before just loaded a black screen
Had to verify integrity as 2 files were missing; not doing that loaded a black screen

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
The known Dead Space 1 & 2 mouse issues (occur on Windows as well)
After trying with MangoHud, libstrangle, and GOverlay without any success I found on a Dead Space 1's protondb entry the:
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
If you have VSync on (in-game) it's 30 FPS, and Vsync OFF the FPS jumps up too much and the engine was not meant to run at +60 FPS.
The above command was the only option that worked for me (mango, strangle, goverlay, all worked on other games/apps, but for some reason not on Dead Space 2).
Changed to mouse movement instead of joystick camera
The game works right out of the box on Deck
After the recent update, the game now launches and plays as expected
It used to throw an error upon launch, resulting in it being completely borked. After a recent update, however, it launches and plays as expected on my system.

Once fixing the mouse issue it ran great.
With my G502 mouse at the 1000hz default poll rate if I moved my mouse the game would pretty much freeze while I was moving the mouse. I had to connect the mouse to a Windows PC to use the G Hub software to change the poll rate of the mouse down to 250hz, then the game runs fine.
When moving mouse game would freeze or run at like 1 FPS.
Run command "protontricks 47780 msxml6" to install a dependency needed for activation using the CD key.
Without this fix you will get the "OLE error 8000FFFF" reported by others.
The game loaded up and started nicely but it was crashing every few minutes, so in my Nvidia X Server Settings > OpenGL Settings, I unchecked "Sync to VBlank" and "Allow Flipping". I also turned off Vsync in the Dead Space 2 settings. The game crashed twice on a single playthrough. If you [Alt] + [Tab] out of the game, sometimes the game screen will be corrupted when you tab back in. Just tab back out and back in and you're good to go.
See my customization.
Crashed twice.

OLE error 8000FFFF.
Not working trough Steam :(
Ran out of the box with no issue.
Really good performance, even on a low-end device
No activation issues on 5.0 before playing the game. On 5.13 and after the activation screen/process doesn't show, it only shows the little windows that appears after the activation process.
Only problem with 5.13 and after is that the game crashes upon the openning with Nicole and it crashes the game shortly after rendering some graphics.
Tested with a Xbox One controller.

Fails to launch. Totally borked.
OLE Error 8000FFFF

I had to experiment with installing (because of Origin) under different Proton versions to see the highlight cursor in the inventory screen. Finally settled on 4.2-9
I had to experiment with different versions of Proton to find a version where ALL the D-Pad buttons worked (just down and left worked, not up or right). I also noticed some drift when I opened up the RIG to read Text Logs.
Requires extra steps to get game running
I had activation error that I fixed by running: protontricks 47780 msxml6

"Activation" window popup with message "OLE error 8000FFFF"
Tried Proton Experimental and Proton 6.3-7
Works out of the box, a little bit of tinker has to be done to have a good gameplay.
Same with ds1, you can't hear issac anymore, etc, quick fix is to reload your game.
Related to game engine, same with ds1, there's a fix on pcgamingwiki.
Lock fps to 60, disable v-sync and Turn off: Aliasing and Blur.

Failed to pass what appears to be activation?
After pressing play, there's just an error window with the title "activation" and the message "OLE error 8000FFFF".
Quick Time Events involving the "E" key just straight up didn't work. It made getting grab a death sentence and the game unfun.

Proton-6.14-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Another not so great PC port, however miles better than the first game's. Apart from that, Proton runs the game pretty damn well.