Game has perfomance issues when loading places, but not during general gameplay.
Game has fps drops and stutter when entering into a new area
Mostly works, but can have hard crashes
Game might crash the first time you access options to set graphics, it might also ocassionally cause an unrecoverable GPU crash and force you to reset your PC.
Doesn't install properly with wrong Proton version. Doesn't Start.
The game might not download its main exes until you switch proton versions back and forth. Once it's installed it will simply crash with the message "application load error 3:0000065432"
Works out of the box, but it's a shoddy 30 fps port
You can disable Vsync in game if you want more than 30 fps, but this isn't recommended (even on Windows) because it breaks ragdolls and other stuff. If you still want at least 60 fps, add DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 to the command line options. I didn't experience the CPU topology bug (which affects Windows too) or anything like that.
Single player works without issues
I didn't try coop yet, but some doors in game can only open in coop mode.
Everything works out of the box, at least from looking at the first 5 dungeons, unlocking a few characters and buying a few upgrades.
The base FEAR game's only issue is incredibly high tearing/shearing if you run it without Vsync on.
If you want widescreen resolutions, FEAR: Extraction Point requires you to manually change resolution through the settings.cfg file after running the game or with the arguments +ScreenWidth XXXX +ScreenHeight YYYY
where you replace the X's and Y's with your resolution.
FEAR: Perseus Mandate already has all the widescreen code so it work fine.
I was able to finish all of FEAR and FEAR: EP without issue. I've tried FEAR: PM and it seems to work just fine so far.
I haven't tried the multiplayer portion since Gamespy is dead and it requires external fan projects to run it.
Game needs you to rename FalloutwHR.exe to FalloutLauncher.exe to actually launch, and you might have to retry a few times if Steam gets stuck on "Syncing". Performance (at least with default settings) is closer to what it ran like on computers released back then, but it's not unplayable. I tried using my old saves and I can confirm that you can finish the game, that it plays FMVs correctly and that combat works as expected.
New update broke the anticheat
It used to work flawlessly, but now it boots you with a "Kicked from server: Anti-Cheat: Authentication timed out (1/2)" message
Alt-tabbing in and out of the game is a bit glitchy and can still read input in some cases.
The version of Proton I used is an older one, because that's what steam recommended at the time it was installed, but it should work on newer versions.
THe game runs, but not its anticheaat
VAC disconnect after a minute or so.
Maybe a workaround exists to get VAC to connect properly, but I didn't look into it.
Game won't go past main menu
The game used to run somewhat well under GNOME, and even under KDE6, but now just crashes once you try to go into practice mode or host a game.
Works out of the box.
The game's singleplayer and multiplayer work perfectly fine.
I haven't tried modding it though.
Also if you have more than one screen, you might need to use gamescope to confine the mouse to the game area.
Playable, but with issues
Falling off a ledge or into water can cause the game window to go black ocassionally (Game still runs). Falling again sometimes fixes it.
Certain areas drop your frames to 5-15 fps. Can often be fixed by entering your status menu.
Both single and multi-player work fine, but the game might crash on launch (it simply requires that you launch the game again) or after a extended amount of time. There's reports these crashes are present on Windows as well. Game might start capped to 60 fps, but disabling compositing fixed that. Performance is generally excellent. There's sound bugs that are also present on Windows due to the HDR sound (according to the devs: "certain sounds being too quiet, music suddenly getting quiet or loud, etc").
Game runs perfectly. Both multiplayer and singleplayer. Game will be locked to 60 fps if it's running under a compositor.
Game runs flawlessly, both in singleplayer and multiplayer. It might take a while to load as it rebuilds the shaders if you are updating from a previous version of Proton.
Tested both Singleplayer and multi-player extensively. Unlocked nearly every item and log so far. No bugs encountered.
Works fine out of the box
Didn't need to tinker or change anything to get it to work. It might ask you to install a runtime, but all you have to do is click "Next" until it finishes.
Game doesn't start up
On Proton 6.3 at most you get to the initial loading window and then it stops displaying anything and goes back to the desktop. The game has to be force stopped afterwards.
Works perfectly, so long as the EA App doesn't get in the way
I recommend avoiding alt tabbing or switching to other windows while the game is starting because the EA App is somewhat finnicky. Once the game starts, no other issues are observed.
Works perfectly out of the box
I was able to complete the whole game on Linux with absolutely no issue.
The game runs perfectly out of the box with Proton 7.0-4. Didn't try multiplayer
It should be noted it only runs well in up to date Linux distros, outdated ones will experience FPS drops and audio bugs.
Playable, excluding one spot.
The first mission has an small area were FPS drops to single digits, if you get past this spot, it never happens again.
I have not been able to determine if the slowdown in that spot in the first level is something that only happens on AMD or not.