Used COZ patch with polyversal and launch option, works fantastic (but had to install vcredist package; may be needed)
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
used protontricks to install necessay visual redist package
If you want to play without COZ patch it's fine, the game ran flawlessly (atleast the begining 30 mins,didn't test for long) without any tinkering under proton 7; 8 also works. Any help with installing COZ patch, contact their discord server, they helped with the launchoption and vcredist install through protontricks ..;Check their (coz) website or contact their discord to know which vcredist to install if the game after patched asks for it, or if runtime error occurs, polyversal made the patching easy..
WORKS ON PROTON 7.0-6 well except for the fullscreen issue where mouse doesn' follow but clicks register;Cannot launch with proton 8 and 9
Mouse doesn't work after 2nd fullscreen, click registers but mouse doesnt follow, so had click randomly to close the app upon opening fullscreen the 2nd time..
2nd fullscreen issue mentioned above, otherwise works fine
Used proton 7.0-6 first; worked well expect for that mouse fullscreen issue, cannot launch with proton 8.0-5 and 9.0-4 , both giving the same error message below
Win32 function failed : HRESULT: 0x887a0002 Call: at line 245 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp
Have no idea on how to solve this issue; but otherwise works fine for me on proton 7.0-6
Runs Flawlessly; in my case better than Windows 10
FPS Counter (both ingame and steam) not visible in native version,otherwise works flawlessly
Works for me under proton 6.3-8, used protontricks 47780 msxml6 launch command for activation error
protontricks 47780 msxml6
protontricks 47780 msxml6
Previously played on windows 10, those games saves were deleted despite steam cloud turned on, started new game in linux
Tried also using proton 7,8 and 9. Launched under proton 7 but cannot get past connecting to ea server on starting game(could enter main menu in game); 8 and 9 gave "could not initalize display hardware" issue, didnt even start, finally started and played for few mins under proton 6.3-8, will update after few hours of playtime..