Did not start at first with normal Proton. But after using GE and Experimental once, it now somehow also starts with normal Proton and works
FIrst start of the game ends in an DX error right after the Launcher Menu. I tried GE7-16, which solved the problem and the game ran fine. Afterwards i tried Proton Experimental, which worked, and eventually normal Proton 7.0-2. And, to my surprise, it worked, too. Maybe a start with another ptarter program helped. I really don't know. I continued playing the game without problems with normal Proton so far.
If you get an error message when starting the game for the first time, just use GE or experimental at least once. After that, normal Proton also started to work and the game runs like a charm. Sometimes, when new Areas are loaded, there is a slight performance decrease for a second, but that might have been because it is installed on my SD Card.
tried hard to change the language to my language (german) on steamdeck, but had no success. All Hints you find on the internet do not seem to work. PLEASE JUST ADD A LANGUAGE SWITCHER, VALVE!
You have to change from fullscreen to windowed in the settings menu to actually see anything
as mentioned, fullscreen has to be changed to windowed in the settings. Per default, the screen stays completely black
Set to Windowed in Settings Menu. Language switcher is missing!
Sometimes Crashes with a windows error window, which says that a dx11 file could not be found in windows/syterm32. Happens with Proton, Proton Experimental and GE, too. But you cannot reproduce this error by walking to the same position again in the game, so it happens at random after some time in game.
During the first try at the first Bossfight in the Game (Killercroc) suddenly the game visuals turned completly black, only displaying game hints on the screen and the hud. Sound was still running, controller input still was accepted.
Game crashes every now and then, but if it doesn't, it is very playable. I once had suddenly my picture turning black (Killercroc fight at the very beginning of the game), just showing hud and game hints, while input still worked and sound was still playing. Could not reproduce this, though.
The Feral Launcher of the nativ Linux Port just won't start the game and makes the Steam Deck reboot. Use Proton instead.
Feral Launcher makes Steam Deck reboot when you try to launch the game from it. Use Proton Instead of Native
as mentioned, Player 1 needs to be changed to Gamepad
Just change resolution to 1280x800 and Player 1 Controls to Gamepad (you might need mouse cursor to do this) with your Steam Deck and have fun :)
When the installation has been done successfully in Desktop Mode, the game runs as if it was made for the steam deck :)
Installation has to take Place in Desktop Mode because of Origin. In Gaming Mode, the Origin Installer is shown, but no buttons work any more. You can't even get the Overlays to show, so your only way out is the power button. In Desktop Mode you can use the Mouse and after the Installation, you can start Mass Effect without problems in Gaming Mode.
As mentioned, Origin needs to be installed in Desktop Mode once.
For some reason the Gamepad Controls do not work on the First Screen of the game, where you chose between Mass Effect 1-3 in Gaming Mode. So you have to use the Mouse. In Desktop Mode the Gamepad works. Ingame there is no problem with that no matter which Mode you are using.
tl;dr: Install in Desktop Mode, Play in Gaming Mode. Have Fun :)
Nostalgia trip on your Handheld ;) Both Games look and sound really nice on the Steam Deck for a nearly 30 years old games
Runs ootb. But you might want to Calibrate and fine tune your Control Sticks (in Steam and/or ingame) as it is not a Flight Stick and you will wish, you had one. In RA2 you need to set the Controller to "Joystick" manually because it is set to Mouse by Default, but that can be done easily on the start screen.
very minor sound hickups during intro video
Apart from the VERY minor audio stutters during the intro video no problems at all.