Online coop works perfect.
Just works.
Unfortunately doesn't work -_-
frequent flickering
game starts and works well, but those constant fleker.... kinda distracting
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% width=1920 height=1080 fullscreen=true nointro=true
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 withot this - cursor is not apear in starting game menu. Force resolution to full HD works good in game but handeled poorly in menu. Funny that I was not able to run game in latest windows as at all.
Game runs great, unless you try to minimize it.
does not save resolution settings and tries to run on default 640x480
Crushes on start.
works like charm funny, that we can play ported Playstation to PC game, in its turn ported to Linux
3 missions - no issures so far.
I would not recomend playing this game via proton at this state. It's playable - but you can end up with damaging your system.
I couldnt run game in fullHD fullscreen mode on my 4k monitor - it just runs the game in quarter of my screen.
Saves does not stored in a cloud.
Gme leaks memory wich leads to crushes after several gamehours... sometimes with "insufficient videoRAM" warning. If PC goes to sleep mode while game is running it frequently end with hanging OS unable to do anything but hardreset.
No resolution option available. Could not force game to launch in fullscreen mode.
Unplayable on 4k monitor.
some cracling at the start menu
some freezes
It works with some minor issues