it just works

No issues!
Although I have no DLCs to test, the base game worked with no flaw.

Works like a charm, even better than Windows 11 on which I had multiple crashes.

Runs better on integrated graphics than Windows. Windows requires a mod to trick integrated graphics as discrete graphics.

Alt tab did not work unless in windowed mode.
Mouse did not work that well in the menus, but manageable.
Runs well.

If using a Sennheiser GSX 1200 Pro depending on your configuration the audio is borked. Audio slider does not work, some sounds are quiet and others loud. Issue is present in other games.
FIX: Switching from "Mono Chat + 7.1 Sorround" to "Pro Audio" in system audio settings.
Alt+Tab sometimes freezes the game
Used https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer to get MO2 to work. MO2 seems to work best for modding.
Also had to install an Anniversary Patcher to revert the game to a modding stable version. This patcher also bundles a 4gb address fix, removes GFWL and fixes mod limit. Easiest way to install was to rename the patcher's exe to the games launcher exe, otherwise work your way around protons prefixes.
Also installed ESM patcher using the same method.
The rest of the modding process is per preference

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=11 %command%
mouse seems a tad off, but its usable
You do need XLive.dll but you can have a look at other reports as to where to find it.
gamemoderun %COMMAND%
During installation I was stuck on "Installing directX". I had to kill the DXinstall process to start the game

La verdad no se si funciona para todas las pc, pero para este juego en la Juana Manso funciona correctamente en Steam.
-dxlevel 90
Para mi Notebook del gobierno se relentiza cuando muchos te atacan a la vez.
Ami me funciono con ese tipo de comando ya que solo requeria el Direct9.0 asi que puse eso como parametro de lanzamiento. Tal vez para casi todos los linux funcione pero no estoy totalmente seguro de eso, pero ami me funciono y no esta de más compartir una solucion.

Fallout 3 plays and looks great on the deck. You will experience occasoinal crashes, but it does not make this game unplayable. Save often.
You will have to use the cursor to start the game. Execute all display settings as "Default".
I've found this game to crash when Galaxy News Radio starts playing music. I've had it crash on me also right after I boot it up. Otherwise I've played for consectutive hours at a time with no problems. With any fallout game, you want to be constantly saving anyway.
Besides the occaisonal crashing when GNR is playing music, this game runs perfectly on the deck. My workaround is to not have the radio on all the time, and also to save on a frequent basis.
Works flawlessly
Flawless out the box
Producing some directX error installing prerequisites, installs and plays fine regardless
Launcher flashes and game crashes
Launcher shows "Install" instead of "Play", options and data files are greyed out
Не запускается
xlive.dll вставлял в файлы игры
Пока что не играбельно

After an hour of playtime, I experienced a Crash, other than that, perfect!
The game plays pretty well! I put in a hour, it ran smoothly, an error will show up at the beginning, press ok, and the game will launch as normal. Controls work perfectly out the box.
- Downloaded Xlive.dll from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22591?tab=files
- Pasted into $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 3
Playing windowed at fullscreen resolution solved the Alt-Tabbing problem
To solve the input inaccuracy I had to add these lines in the Fallout.ini file: [Controls] fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0
The file is located in: $Home/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/22300/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout3
no problems
VSYNC toggle in the launch does not do anything. This could be a symptom of my hardware, as my machine is an Nvidia Optimus laptop, with the game running in a PRIME offload configuration. As a result, >120FPS is the norm.
HDR and Bloom must be disabled in the launcher, else the game will crash on launch
Like all Bethesda titles, alt-tabbing will cause the game to crash. This is the same behavior on Windows so not a Proton problem. But be warned, as moving to a different desktop does not work as a workaround
Utilizing the Intel GPU (as opposed to discrete Nvidia) will cause the title to crash to desktop immediately upon loading a game save. This could be a symptom of Ubuntu's graphics libraries as opposed to a game-bug.

In that past years, I've always had to spend hours to get this game run properly.
After the recent update, no more INI tweaking, codec issues or other tinkering is needed. The radios, including the songs, work perfectly.
It's an out of the box experience now.
Works fine , I had 1 crash in 10 hours of game play and that was early on , I have played for over 9 hours without 1 crash.
When the game starts it looses focus but just alt+tab to it and it is fine.
For some reason the fast save key doest seem to do anything, just use the game menu to save and no issues.
Works fine now with default startup for me no changes to compatibility startup
It works quite well, almost all instability and bugs come from the game itself rather than Proton.
Works fine! Just remember to aways save your progress
Sometimes the game video will crash after you do a "alt + tab", and another issue is that rarely it will randomly freeze and crash

Game runs out of the box!
Alt tab crashed the game.
The game used to crash with games for windows! Now that it is removed it runs better!
It worked for me for a while and then the game freezes, not sure if its my hardware or the game.
So, I did play around for while how to launch a game and make it playable, and I hope this works for other people. This instructions is ONLY for FO3 NOT FO3 GOTY.
Obviously, of course you will need to download Fallout 3 on steam to able to do the other steps.
You will need to download the Xlive.dll
here is the the link where you can download it from: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22591?tab=files
Now, once you have downloaded your Xlive.dll and extracted it, copy it, and paste it to the following: $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 3
Now, once you have done that, and before you launch a game, you will need to do couple of more steps is to right click on the game and select properties, and type this custom launch command: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=11 %command%
Once, you have pasted a command, and last step is go to compatibility on games properties and enable a "Force the use of specific steam play compatibility tool" and select which proton you would be using the way you chose the proton on steam settings.
I am really not good explaining, but I do want to help others how I figured out in my own way, but I sure do hope this instructions will help.
Would not started without PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Random crashes and no assets.
Radio is skipping Track from pip boy, but runs well on Jukeboxes. Game Crashes with Radio on.
Game runs only well in Window Mode. Can't alt+tab. Game goes into background and you will never get it back to the front.
Many random crashes. Most of the time the game crash if it should load assets from the dlc. Sometime areas I already vists crash the Game (Dixons Yard, some places in D.C.)
DLC Assets as armour, enemys, voice line, or sprits din't load. I got only big <!> signs.

Doesn't start past the launcher, probably due to its amazing Games for Windows Live integration. xD
Fixes exist, involving mucking around with xLive.dll, but I did not pursue them.
Cannot return from alt+tab. With glorious eggroll i can still see the game in my tasks, but not with standard proton
Create syswow64 and system32 dirs in pfx folder (source: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/3119#issuecomment-657252386): mkdir steamapps/compatdata/22300/pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64 mkdir steamapps/compatdata/22300/pfx//drive_c/windows/system32
Put xlive.dll into game root. It can be downloaded as standalone dll or extracted (twice) from installer.
This is tricky! If You have Intel GPU and game crashes, put this modified dll (https://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=48463&action=edit), into game root directory. It is modified dll that fakes ATI GPU. In my case it didn't work, becose it was not used by game. Solution came here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamPlay/comments/99f4hl/question_passing_wine_variables_though_steam_play/ Download wine 64-bit version and: WINEPREFIX=steam/steamapps/compatdata/22300/pfx winecfg go to libraries and add d3d9 (native, buildin).
This finally worked for me. Hope it helps anyone else.

The game instantly crash when clicking play.
The first menu (not in the game) shows up, I click play, the game crash.
I got two times my GPU card in the configuration window.
Same result with other proton 5 version or glorious eggroll 5.8 or 5.9
Pip Boy Radio does not work. Other users posted this before and there is a fix for it here.
Using the configurations mentioned by ryanoliverjohnson, the trick was not to use my Intel UHD 620, but the NVidia MX230 instead
Crashed when starting a new game
When mouse sensitivity is set to the absolute minimum, there's some kind of acceleration that can't be disabled and the mouse is still too fast.
If alt+tabbed, the icon disappears from the panel and you can't go back into the game. The process is still running in the background bc you can hear the game sounds but the only thing you can do is kill the process and start the game again.
plays fine on average 2019 laptop. Not sure how old ones will handle.
Xlive.dll fix wasn't needed, just disable e-sync with start command already written there.