Runs really well
It had a big improvement from the Athena Beta a month or so ago. Previously a lot of UI would not show but now this problem is mostly fixed, the only problem related to it I had was a single granary upgrade that didn't had icon. A small problem be the link with the Xbox account not working. The performance is the same as in Windows.
Trying to turn FSR Frame Gen on will crash the game, since I didn't find the config file I needed to reinstall the game.
Slightly better performance on Proton Experimental.
Needed to change config file to properly support 1080p.
In newer version of proton the game will crash either on loading a save or in a random moment.
Given the age it isn't giving me as much problem as some other games from the same time.
No big issues
Some cutscenes, like mission 13 intro cutscene, will have poor performance.
History of DMC cutscene does not display and cause FPS to oscilate.
During gameplay the game runs the same as on Windows. I haven't changed anything so tinkering might fix the problems I have experienced.
It is needed to modify the cutscene files for them to work properly.
Needed to run a code to make the FMVs work properly, on the Proton version I am using I needed to run the following command on the folder the FMVs are located: for fmv in *.wmv; do echo "Transcoding $fmv"; ffmpeg -v quiet -stats -i $fmv ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4; rm -rf $fmv; mv -- ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4 $fmv; done
This will not flip the image. The FMVs folder are at the "game root dir/data/*/Video". Out of evey Proton version I've tested, this one were the only that didn't made the audio have distortions. Some people have reported to have good results with Proton 8, in which you will need to run the code with flip or download the following mod with the videos already modified: https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycryhdcollection/mods/51?tab=description
Used Steam Remote Play Together and there were no problems at all, we even reached one of the endings.
A really fun game to play with friends, and the local mp just works.
Without any mods the game already ran better than on Windows, with a few bug fix and performance mods it will work great.
Online has less FPS than single player, aparently no matter the game's configuration it will keep at 40ish FPS while single player is 60 in the same config and 120 in lowest setting.
Worked out of the box in proton 9.0. I got better performance than on Windows.
EAC kicks you from the game a minute or so after match starts.
Tried multiple Proton version and GE-Proton 9-20 and added some initialization options I've seen here but nothing worked.
EAC problem has been fixed since my last report.
Game is running well just as before the update.
For those who have enter in a match and are kicked: this probably is not a problem of an anti-cheat kicking you, this is very likely a problem with your router firewall. That is a known issue that happens idependently of OS.
Need to lower the resolution to 720p and use FSR on balanced to get stable 40fps
I have some performance issues, I play games with the same hardware requirements much better at 1080p. There is a bug which I don't know if it happens on Windows too, but sometimes a random configuration will go to its best quality, I'm not really sure but it seems to be related to when you try to save a highlight. Proton Experimental have better performance and less bugs.
Works great OOTB.
There are crashes every now and then but this is a commom problem on Windows too (maybe even a bit worse) even with my friend with high-end PC.
While the game load the match, alt + tab in Fullscreen mode can crash the game.
Only at main menu, sometimes the game stutter when changing of menu.
Using Borderless Window is better than Fullscreen for it won't have the problem of crashing your game during load if you alt + tab. The overall experience is very good.
Played multiple matches and had no issues.