Worked great out of the box.

I was able to play the whole game without any problems.
Works great with no tinkering. No issues here.

Default cryo utilities applies
Audio hitching after resuming from sleep
Would not classify this game as platinum with audio issues after resuming from sleep, but it is very good overall.
For those researching the game also note that the steam version lacks multiple features from the console releases, in particular Boost (increase xp, prevent encounters etc) and choosing between classic and remastered music.
They said these features are coming in an interview apparently but it has been months so I wouldn't hold my breath. The steam version is simply inferior.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=59 %command%
There is a problem of screen tearing when moving at high speed
The problem of screen tearing needs to limit the FPS of the game to be solved.
This is my favorite in the entire Final Fantasy series. Just install and play to experience a magical journey with the largest party in the series! Fight monsters, sing in an opera, and take to the skies in this beautiful, sad, and uplifting gem of gaming history!
Had some issues with sound crackling and speeding up out of sleep mode but I think an OS update fixed it. Changing the font files caused no issues. Ran perfectly all the way through.
Had some issues with sound crackling and speeding up out of sleep mode but I think an OS update fixed it. Ran perfectly all the way through.
TDP at 6-7W
Mods that involve replacing game data files work without a problem.
It just works, no funny business here!
Just like all other pixels this ran great on linux!
Hit play and done. Game runs perfectly, no need for tweaks.
Works great out of the box
Works fine with no tinkering (verdict after 2 hours of gameplay)
Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster runs great out-of-the-box
Just like the other Pixel Remasters, this one runs as native.
Game worked great out of the box similar to the other pixel remasters.

Sometimes the DS controller takes a minute to be detected, then works perfectly.