gamemoderun %command%
When I originally switched to linux Elden ring was locked to 60 FPS although it felt lower. It was definitely playable then and much more playable now. Works just like it did on Windows.
When hosting a game I have experienced some very infrequent singular stutters during high graphic intensity situations.
Enabling "Use Async Computer" dramatically improved performance. Still experience some very minor performance issues but may be directly hardware related.
Aside from some minor graphical tweaks the game plays just as well
Noticed some minor performance degredation in windowed mode but very minor and sitll playable
For some reason the game did not like being alt-tabbed. I had noticed during some instances when i was alt-tabbed the game would retake focus and the mouse cursor would move back into the game. Experienced a couple of complete computer lockups after alt tabbing and doing a few things while the game was running.
Overall the game has been performing well after using the launch options that I had found on ProtonDB during the beta. They seem more specific to AMD GPUs so your mileage may vary with Nvidia cards. After adding those launch options the game performs flawlessly on high with FSR and frame generation enabled with my current hardware. Have played in a multiplayer hunt with some friends and it worked smoothly (aside from the typical MH multiplayer jank).
Aside from the occasional crashes the game plays great on my system at high settings.
Because I was experiencing the occasional crashes from my earlier report I wanted to try with no tinkering whatsoever but these occasional crashes are still apparent. I thought it was related to Alt-Tabbing but I can't seem to pin down why it's happening now. Sometiems it will happen within 15-20 minutes of the game starting, sometimes it will be after a couple hours of playing.
Note this is a follow up report from one i made a day or two ago. Game works fine with steam default settings aside from the occasional crashes as noted.
Pretty much just had to install and go. Not much graphical setting tweaking needed aside from initial setup.