Works perfectly after some fixes, I finished the entire campaign using Proton. Fixes: gnutls link, wine desktop to get rid of black bars, corefonts.
Runs perfectly now, all the sound issues are fixed for me and performance is good. Videos don't play but that doesn't really matter.
Steam version runs out of the box with default proton, using DX11 via DXVK.
One crash when alt-tabbing out to the desktop
Runs great with Proton 3.16, offline mode is no longer necessary
Runs perfectly, but I had to play around with registry settings before it would start. Otherwise I got a black window that crashed after a few seconds.
Runs perfectly after installing with native2proton, otherwise it didn't download any files.
Had to install mfplat as below, and run with "taskset -c 1-4 %command%". It wouldn't go past the initial white screen otherwise.
Runs great, just have the same gamepad issues as below, character is constantly running to the left.
Runs right out of the box, but has annoying spikes in frame time. Performance doesn't scale much depending on settings, all high is barely different from all low.
Game runs, but the launcher doesn't. Open game files, rename SHMCD.exe to SUPERHOTMCD.exe and rename SHMCD_Data to SUPERHOTMCD_Data and it starts.
With latest nvidia vulkan drivers and proton it now runs perfectly out of the box. No command line parameters needed anymore.