Runs perfectly out of the box with later versions of Proton. I couldn't launch with 4.11 but no problem after version 5
Reviewed on the demo. No issues at all. Will be picking this up on release and will update this then
The game is playable but it is not a smooth experience with the issues mentioned when loading
At random points I would get artifacting during larger head movement (I think when loading areas?)
Loading screens take over 2 minutes on an SSD and cause significant framerate drop and input lag
Initially I could only play for ~10 minutes before framerate suddenly dropped and there was significant input lag which made it unplayable until restarting. I play connected to my TV and found changing the TV display from 3840x2160 to 1920x1080 resolved this.
It's playable enough for me but I wouldn't recommend it in its current state. I'll update my review whenever I see any changes
Runs almost perfectly! Only thing I noticed was the mouse doesn't scale properly but I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out
Fantastic performance. Only a small annoyance with the slowdown when entering new areas, still great experience
There is slowdown when you enter new areas for the first time but no other issues
Runs well out of the box and mouse input is fine if you turn off v-sync
Mouse input was very laggy but turning off V-Sync fixed this for me
Runs as well as it does Windows or old native Linux versions
Occasional stutter during goal explosions but seems to get better as I play. Players joining mid-game in casual has a larger impact than windows or the old native version. Still perfectly playable
Intro video does not play but is skippable and the game runs perfectly when in game. Does not recognise alternate keyboard layout though