Had to reinstall it after I set up an older Proton version, since then it works
Intal, start, play
At the start of each match there is a hard lag, usually goes away after 2-3 seconds
Game runs smooth outside of the start for earch round.
Install and run, not much more to it
Audio stutters and repeats => Very noticable when listening to in-game radio
Fullscreen sometimes falls behind taskbar (nothing is clickable), fixed it by hiding the taksbar
Stuttering at times when in towns
Was able to get fullscreen working after changing the resolution and restart
After fixing the resolution the game starts without any issues
Works mostly fine
Horrizontal line in the middle of my screen where the game doesn't render propperly, Artifacting/missing textures in the game world / glitching of the face in the Character Creator
Startup was in Windowed mode, the game needed to be put as a background task and picked as primary again to choose in the menu. After that it worked fine
Does work fine, but the graphical artifacts do break immersion at times. But the gameplay is fun so a thumbs up from me
Had to manually choose the safegame to be loaded at all
Heavy stutters during gameplay to the point of being unplayable
When opening any of the menues (map, journal, skills, ...) the game freezes on a black screen.
The game is not at all playable
Not able to escape the gamescreen unless I close the game
Works out of the box
Had to reinstall the game due to some issues from my old Windows variant, works fine now
Tried everything nothing works
Game insta crashes after I hit play no tinkering has helped so far. Furthest I've gotten was an Error: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" is needed. Installed that, still not working. Sad to say Satisfactory is broken for me and I'm not able to fix it
Low FPS and stuttering when in densly built areas
Imoprtant note: if you switch from Windows to a Linux, make sure every file is deleted. During startup I got an Error from Unreal Engine and the only way to fix it is to uninstall and delet every remaining files on your system.
Works most of the time
Could be "just how Civi is" but feels more then when playing on Windows
Didn't start without forcing Proton
Broken for a good 3 minutes after start, then fixed itself. Same after every start of the game
Wasn't able to start, and tinkering didn't work
Saving Error Code said that I'm out of RAM, which is kina redicioulous since I have a good 64GB. Sofarr no solution, so no way to fix yet
Works out of the box
Only issue I had was the instal location, once installed on my main drive it ran smoothly without issues. Using Proton 9.0-2
Just updated the game for Proton compatibility and started it, there was one crash at the beginning, but no clear reason why. Worked flawless since. Fullscreen didn't work, so it's been in Windowed mode only. Not a big issue for me though