I give it Platinum because it works out-of-the-box without any tweaks. Some minor graphic glitches in vegetation are present. Performance is worse than windows (40-60 fps maxed out) but it is completely playable.
After installing BattleNet, the game refuses to start: "Bad serial number given in setup"
Game takes A LOT of time to start scenarios, but after that it seems to work properly.
I did not test it too deeply because I do not know very well how to play it...
I have tried the tweak: WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/200260/pfx" WINEARCH=win64 wine winecfg changing Windows version to Windows 10.
I did not work at all for me.
It is strange. All works as native until it loads the first level. Then it ask 'press space to continue' and it does not react to any key press so I cannot continue. The keyboard works OK when changing preferences in the menu.
I thought that the textures were normal for this old game so I was going to give platinum. After see the comments here I have disabled Esync and now I must admit that it looks much better!
Run as native for me. Just click and play. I did not notice any performance issue.
Not working at all. DotNet installation error. Tried to install dotnet35 with protontricks but it refuses and ask for a 32bits prefix. Maybe this is the problem? I have installed dotnet40 and now the error is different: "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application"...
Game initializes at 720p and High settings. Performance is good and I did not have any noticeable audio or graphic problem.
However, if I set it to 1080p, it is almost unplayable, even in low, due to incredibly low performance.
Anyway, I can say the game works out of the box. I have never thought this game would work in Linux. Good work
Works amazingly well out of the box.
I played the first 10 hours on Windows10 and then I switched to Linux so I can compare performance well. I will say that it is at least a 90%