Runs perfect
Gyro as joystick triggered upon holding LT
You will need to set the game to controller mode manually via seperate settings app, with may take several attempts.
Voice recognition doesn't seem to work. It's just a gimmik, though, you can play the whole game without it and won't loose much.
Runs okay on low-mid settings
The reflections in large mirrors have a very low framerate
Game hovers at around 40-60 fps most of the time, but can drop below 20 in certain areas.
Plays great at mid settings, reduced resolution with FSR
Set layout to default controller. The official one is unnecessary.
Crackling after wake up, resolved by relaunching the game.
Fully functional
I've played at reduced resolution with FSR turned on (sharpness set to 0), medium graphical preset, locked at 50 FPS. Game run smoothly, exept for minor dips in larger areas, looked great too.
Switched to deck-testing beta branch in game's properties
Text in dev console is very small, but you never have to do anything there, so it won't be an issue.
The ligting system they implemented for a projector in your clone's den is a bit bugged on Deck, you have to stand in a specific place to read the slides properly.
Some fps dips here and there
I played mostly on 1080p monitor with mouse/keyboard
Runs good, plays suprisingly well on deck for a classic FPS
Virtual buttons on left trackpad for sellecting weapon categories
Fps momentarily drops to single digits when an explosion or other resource-heavy effect occurs first time after lauching the game
Playing this game on a handheld with gyro somehow feels more immersive than mouse/keyboard, it's like there is a bit of VR-magic in having to aim at a target with the device that yoy're holding in your hands.
Runs perfect
Minor hickups while the camera is sliding left and right during trials
Crackling after disconnecting from dock or waking up. Also stuttering audio in most areas, but that seems to be a universal problem, not just on Deck.
My local save file was unpromptedly replaced with cloud one, which was several days old for some reason.
Noticeble fps dips, especially while riding a bike in any zones after the first two
Draw distance setting seems to impact performance the most. Just bump it up while surveying the area from high ground, then turn it down again.
Had one small fps dip towards the end, otherwise runs perfectly out of the box.
Used gyro as mouse activated upon holding LT.
It's really wierd this game isn't verified, it runs better than most verified games I've plated so far.
Performs well on low settings, looks decent too
Gyro as mouse, activated when holding LT
When gyro as mouse is triggered, controller icons rapidly change to keyboard ones and back. Also command wheel changes to keyboard variant sometimes, resolved by activating, then deactivating gyro as mouse.
Minor hickups when entering new area, gone after setting graphics to low
After encountering stutters, turned down all graphics settings to low, didn't bother to tinker with them any further, game run perfect after that.
CryoUtilities 2.0
Some dropped frames here and there, not a huge deal
Runs perfect
Very minor fps dips can occur if you're running somethin in the background, but only in later stages of the round.