Just works
Nothing special needed, install and hit play.
Alt-Tabbing while in full screen, or fullscreen borderless will make the game from now on be a black screen and require a restart.
Runs okay on low-mid settings
The reflections in large mirrors have a very low framerate
Game hovers at around 40-60 fps most of the time, but can drop below 20 in certain areas.
Runs perfect out of the box. I've ran the game for about an hour and a half now give or take and have not had a single issue; or frame dip
Should run perfectly fine on any system without issues
gamescope -w 2560 -h 1080 -U -r 60 -f -- %command%
The game's window unfullscreens itself when moving from the main menu to the game. My window manager doesn't handle that gracefully and I have to manually switch to fullscreen. Very minor and hardly annoying, but it's there.
The game's often painfully slow. Bumping the resolution down from 3440x1440 to 2560x1080 helped a little, but when I later tried to go even lower with the res the performance degraded even further and I had to restart the game.