Thanks to this guide by Arkanosis https://aoe2.arkanosis.net/linux/ I was able to easily install the fix required to prevent desync. If you don't do this you will have horrible desync issues on multiplayer.
SHOULD launch with whatever Proton you have, but check out that guide in order to play multiplayer.
I followed the instructions from https://aom.arkanosis.net/linux/ in order to avoid desync issues on Linux. Simple, a few commands to replace a .dll file. Honestly I didn't even try playing before completing this process as desync was such an issue with other Age games on Linux in my experience.
I can bot stomp with my friend who plays on Windows. All is well.
Good experience OOTB. Crashes on Windows too aparently
I had a few random crashes that also seem to be an issue on windows. A few hours in and only an occasional inconvenience, not a major issue.
Works Great!
There's a weird prompt on boot about DLSS support that you can just click through and ignore.
Played the whole game and had a good experience
Sometimes not as smooth as the new remasters, but I think it has to do with the older engine. Overall great experience out of the box.
I couldn't get a cutscene to play. I just started the game and was dropped in the into play with no context. Does not seem worth it for a story-driven singleplayer game. I ran a coule of Media Foundation scripts to the best of my ability but wasn't able to resolve the issue. Others here say they've gotten it to work but I wasn't prepared to put in the effort to figure out what I did wrong for this random game in my Steam library. I'll check back to see if either there's a better guide or when I up my Linux skills...
%&$* Ubisoft Connect, Otherwise Great Experience!
I bought this for co-op multiplayer with a friend. The only quirks are that after the initial account creation Ubisoft Connect failed to connect upon launching the game. I found a solution on the Steam Deck subreddit of initializing a VPN to get it to connect. Fortunately I have a quality VPN subscription, but I think you could do a system IPv4 setting of some kind too if you have this issue, based on the reddit post. Apart from that, I got randomly booted from multiplayer once within a few hours of total MP play time. Those are truly the only quirks I've had.
Smooth experience overall for online co-op!
Playing co-op no problem!
I'm almost 30 hours in to a co-op campaign with my friend who plays on Windows. The Ubisoft interface is clunky, but once we get connected there are no issues at all.
Somehow working!
Occasional issues with Easy Anti Cheat
Occasional issue with Easy Anti Cheat fixed by reboot
If I have an issue failing to join a server with Easy Anti Cheat I just reboot my game and that's it, I can rejoin the same server. No problems, no tweaks, it's incredible. Performance seems better than with Windows 10.
gamemoderun %command$
Occasionally not allowed to join server due to Easy Anti Cheat. Verifying game files is a guaranteed fix. Happens maybe one out of every ten times.
Amazed that this game works on Linux given required Easy Anti Cheat. Occasionally required file validation is a reliable fix. Performance better than on Windows IMO.
Also, Steam Overlay was working for a while but broke at some point. Fortunately I have no issues alt-tabbing to my Steam chat windows.
Works great out of the box
I had one freeze and crash, but seems normal on Windows too. Only once in three hours.
Performance and stability issues as described by Windows users, but I have no reason to think I have any degraded experience due to using linux
Alt-Tab caused slowness upon return and Gnome dock wouldn't go away. No Alt-Tabbing.
Multiplayer worked great. In order to accept my friend's EA Account friend request I had to separately install the EA App via Lutris and accept with that app's interface. Then I could launch the game with Steam and play with my friend.
Works great online without tinkering!
Recent Bug Due to Steam Beta (As Far As I Could Tell)
I just figured out an issue causing severe stuttering and input lag and wanted to write a second report as I couldn't find any info online to help when I didn't know what was going on.
I played this game with good performance for a few hours on Ubuntu 23.10 and then after the update on 24.04 without issue except for: -No Steam Overlay -Significantly reduced performance after alt+tabbing or after changing graphics settings requiring restarting the game to resolve.
However today I had sudden significant stuttering and input lag that I could not figure out. It turns out the change was that I turned on the Steam Beta last night and disabling it to use the regular Steam client let me boot Battlefront and play without the issues - all smooth no problem.
Unsure how reproducable this issue is or if anyone else is having it, but worked for me. No beta.
EA app is weird and buggy. I had to add my friend through the EA App initially (forgot how I accessed it without booting the game, it was months ago) but once connected we could join the same party from an in-game menu.
Sorry to Spam this ProtonDB Page - Solution Found: Disable DX12 (and Maybe Shader Pre-Caching)
Okay, figured it out. I think the fix to stop all the weird stuttering and lag was to disable DirectX 12. I disabled shader pre-caching at the same time also, so I can't confirm that it was only the DX12 change that did it, but in any case I have actually fixed my issues. Buttery Smooth on Ultra now with DX12 off after previously having significant stutters, input lag, and low FPS while using DX12 and low settings. Unsure if a bug or if my 6700XT simply can't handle DX12 at 1440 Ultrawide on this 2017 game.
Please disregard my previous post claiming a solution in turning off Steam Client Beta. Unsure that was related. I'm also alt+tabbing fine now.
-screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080
Initially booted with clear frozen game window and in-game mouse cursor. Tried a couple forum tricks: the above screen resolution launch option and renaming ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kami/Spiritfarer_Data/StreamingAssets/KowloonLogo_1080_mp4.mp4 . Not sure which of the two did it but now runs with no issues.
Played a whole campaign, no issues
A couple crashes during my campaign, never a big deal or clear that it had anything to do with Linux
Amazing Total War game, happy to play on Linux
Installed d3dx11_42 and d3dcompiler_43
After playing through a campaign on the native linux version last year I was dismayed that it was crashing upon launch in native and on dx9 and dx11. Fortunately I found information about the above protontricks fix and it seems to work, I'm able to play and performance may be better than native was.
Alt-Tab breaks fullscreen, you end up with borderless window unable to restore fullscreen without rebooting the game. I'm on KDE Wayland.
Really glad EAC is not borked on this title.
Game works great out of the box! I haven't tried multiplayer, but absolutely no issues at all including alt-tabbing on Ubuntu.
Awesome game, give it a try!
Native wouldn't launch, Proton version ("forced compatibility") worked right away.
Turn down mouse refresh rate to fix stutter bug, then singleplayer/multiplayer work great with no issues.
The game is incredibly slow/stuttery if your mouse refresh rate is above 500hz or so. I just turned mine down to 125hz using the program Piper and have had absolutely no issues since.
I had a couple of crashes playing singleplayer. I had both my monitors on Freesync (Plasma Wayland) and turned the secondary to 75hz. After this, no crashes. Not sure if coincidence or related.