The selection of some menus were clunky. I changed to the Experimental Proton and that did help. Lucky for this game, it does not need to much adjusting. It's more of an experience than a game so even if you have a slight issue with this, it's easily overlooked.
Added friends through the codes provided in game, played rounds in multiple game modes, and I've interacted with people in the public arcade lobby with zero issues.
Once the game is cached or you find a pre-compiled sharder-cache the game runs amazing. If the user can stand a small wait/tinker.
Connects and plays fantastically. Be sure to pre-cache game to prevent stutter.
Same as regular matchmaking with people. Training mode and the shooting range work perfectly.
The Leaderboards worked pretty well. Though on some moments Comet would lose connection to them. However, when it did reconnect it would upload previous stats to the Leaderboard.
Local Co-op worked flawlessly. In both Arcade and the Challenge mode.
I played the GOG version of this game using Heroic Games Launcher and the provided latest Proton. I did switch it to a GE-Proton, but saw no difference in performance. Comet worked for all the achievements and I did 100% the GOG Achievements using it.
Tabbing out of the game leaves the game not controllable by mouse & keyboard or the controller. Once this happens there is no way to continue playing the game. Another problem, I'm unsure if this is a problem with Proton or the game for my gamepad. Though it sometimes lost access to my gamepad if it went to sleep.
Using Heroic Games Launcher the GOG version launches and plays fine. Achievements work flawlessly as well. The only issue I have is with the controller. I am using the default Wine/Proton so I've not used GE-Proton or attempted to see if it was just an issue with the select version I was using.
The out of box install of the GOG version using the Heroic Games Launcher, works fantastic. Using Comet also works like a charm with this game, I've played for around 5 hours, both solo and online. All the GOG achievements that have unlocked have also shown up on my account thanks to Comet.
No problems out of the box.
I did not have to tinker and have had a smooth experience. Everything works smoothly, even when you've filled the area with your creations.
Works out of the box.
I've had the game random crash twice. It's quiet rare, but it has happened.
Everything works great and I've played through the whole game. The only issue I've had was two random crashes. Otherwise this game has been completely flawless.
Perfect out of the gate.
I've connected to random lobbies of up to four people (including my self in the four). I've never had a single issue with playing this game online.
Local Co-op works great. Multiplayer Online I couldn't find a match. I am unsure if it's due to no one playing or a Proton Problem.
With the Heroic Games Launcher I have played all the game modes fine. Comet has allowed me to unlock achievements, upload to the leaderboards, et cetera. The single player experience on regular Proton is fine and there is no major improvements with GE-Proton as far as I can tell.
Single-Player and Multiplayer Perfect out of the box.
I've played a full lobby of people with no issues.
I've cleared every stage in first place in single player and played this game online multiple times. It runs flawlessly.
Runs Flawlessly
No tinkering was required. I played it all the way to the end with zero issues.
Used Heroic Games Launchers implimentation of Winetricks to install dotnet45 for this game.
The GOG version of this game runs well using the Heroic Games Launcher, with tinkering. You have to install dotnet45 or you can't get past the splash screen. Then without a GE-Proton you can see all the videos in the game. Quickly setting GE-Proton9-11 during my install on the Herioc Games Launcher initial game install.
Does not launch with Steam Proton, but launches with GE-Proton, Yet not able to play.
The game will launch with GE-Proton, but once it launches I could not login with my Steam account. It kept giving me an error saying it could not communicate with Steam. This seems to happen with Windows users too reading the forums, but there isn't really any fix. The only thing I could see is the initial prompt screen and nothing else.
No issues using the normal Proton.
The game is nothing amazing. It's a bit of a cheeply made Chinese game. Where some areas might be asset flips, I am unsure, but it is free. I've connected fine and played this with other people. There has been zero issues playing the games in this game. Both by myself and with others.
I did not use Steam as this is the GOG version. Everything worked fine using the Heroic Games Launcher (Not Using Flatpak). It installed and played in VR with zero issues.
Out of the box experience.
I've had zero issues with this game. Everything just worked, from start to finish of this game.
Works Great
It runs smooth and like a charm with newer hardware & AMD graphics. No tinkering at all to play.
XR_RUNTIME_JSON=/run/host/usr/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json PRESSURE_VESSEL_FILESYSTEMS_RW=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/monado_comp_ipc %command%
I could play the game for a short time and it will always crash after a short period of time.
I've used Monado & SteamVR to no success. I've also attempted to run this game using "gamemoderun %command%" & even tried other protons, such as Proton 9 and below, Proton Experiemental, and GE-Proton9-10 and below. Nothing makes this game not crash after a short play span.
This could be an exclusive AMD issue. I've put my GPU into VR Mode & other tweaks using CoreCtrl & LACT to no success & I've used AMDVLK & RADV to no success.
Works out of the box.
This is an early stage game or as they call it Apeteaser, so I can't conclude what the full game would perform like. Yet, after playing and unlocking a couple of the things I've had zero issues with this game.
Worked out of the box with no hassles.
I've played a total of 18.5 hours of this game with friends, with no issues to report. If the game does not recieve any major changes to stop it from working, then anyone should have a similar experience.
Out of the box it works great.
No issues with this game what so ever. I've played the game all the way through and a bit on multiplayer. Everything seems to work, on connecting to other people, but I've only done this once so I've not taken a deep dive into online play. However, I had no issues on my one and only time playing it online.
Once in a match you select your character and can load in. Once you start to play for about 45 seconds in, it boots you back out to the menu. EAC prevents you from playing match making.
Connect to play 45 seconds and booted out by EAC.
The training mission and playing solo with bots seems to work fine.
We need a rebuild of EAC to have a Linux Proton/Wine acceptance. SMITE got this and seems to work, but this game hasn't. There is suppose to be a major update coming soon, so fingers crossed.
I had a few problems with this games controllers. Out of the three controllers I own, the best experience was with the Knuckles. My Pimax Sword controllers would not register some things and neither would my HTC Vive Wands. The Valve Index Knuckle controllers worked the best, however, these were not without problems either. I do not know if this is a game related bug or something to do with Proton.
I've played a total of ten hours of this game online. I had zero issues what so ever connecting to other people. If the developer does not change anything and nothing exist that is a problem that I have not made it to due to only playing ten hours, this should be considered flawless on multiplayer.
If you do not come across the controller issues I did, this should be a smooth time. Otherwise a small tinker to get a GE-Proton might be needed. Yet, no garantee the controllers will be perfect even still.
The game no matter what you attempt to do launches to a EAC loading popup and goes no further.
Until Rec Room adds EAC Linux support, this is not playable.
A typical player that just wants to play this game would. Though they must not want to get the limited time free bonus.
The game connects, makes a windows ping sound, and then lets you play.
Training and everything without other players works like a charm.
Launching from Proton 7.1 and Experemental seems to not launch the game.
Worked out of the box.
The game is free, it plays smoothly, but it's nothing to write home about. It's short and free so it's worth a stab at it.
Game Update Borked The Game
PROTON_USE_EAC_LINUX=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json %command% -dx11
The game worked fine until this latest update. Now no matter if you set it to Proton (9 or lower), Proton Experimental, or even a GE-Proton the game crashes. The game will open, begin to try and connect to the server and load into the menu. Only to have you placed right back at your desktop.
I am running Labwc so running Wayland. Wayland or X11 shouldn't matter, but putting it out there. As stranger things have happened on Linux. Also, I've used both AMDVLK and RadV to no success with this update.
gamemoderun %command%
Without gamemode I did experience a few weird things and game crashes. However, after adding it all the problems vanished. This could be a AMD GPU specific bug, but I am unsure.
Works great with no tinkering.
I've played it start to finish and also played around in the little sandbox section you are given slightly in the mid-begining. All of which work as intended, with zero performance issues.
It works fine out of the box.
I have no complaints when I played this start to finish. Everything worked as it was intended to work.
The GOG version of this game runs fine. Using Heroic Games Launcher from the AUR, I've launched this VR experience both with SteamVR and Monado.
Flawless Experience
This game requires online access, but I did use the "Team" setting and played some areas just fine.
Everything worked as intended, no tweaking needed.
gamemoderun %command% -dx11
Launching without "gamemoderun %command% -dx12" the game would not start, but just crash. Though I could not control the game or get it to launch in the HMD. Switching to "gamemoderun %command% -dx11" after "-dx12" still didn't do anything for me. I swapped it to "-vulkan" and it would say game files were missing. I verified the game and then went back to "-dx11" and it just started working. I don't know what knocked it loose, but not the best experience going in. After that everything has been working fine since.
If you don't experience the no luanch bug like I did, then it should all be good. I am unsure as to why it did this to me. Even with a verification the game did not say any files were corrupt. Regardless, it works perfectly after that. I've yet to have any other issues since and I've played it online multiple times now.