Demo not working
Tested with multiple Proton versions, from 5.13 beta to Proton 4.x until I got banned for 24 hours by Denuvo
Runs perfectly with Proton 5.13 beta
The game would capture my mouse even when minimized, a bit annoying but it lets go after a few tries.
Good experience, even after the newest update.
Use latest Proton Experimental (as of 12th of September 2021)
5.9-GE-8-ST GloriousEggroll
Runs great, played the entire campaign without any issue on Proton 5.13
Isolating the game in a workspace is helpful since alt-tab doesn't work
Rendering bugs with current DXVK and Big Navi card (RX 6800 XT), just add RADV_DEBUG=nodcc %command% as your launch options ( issue for big navi cards
"Borked" performances when I play through Steam with a bluetooth Xbox One controller (mid 20s fps, moving the mouse would slow down the game) even on low settings.
I had to reboot, disable all Steam controller related settings, steam overlay and launch the game through Lutris to play the game with reasonable performances (I don't have a solution to play the game with a bluetooth controller without destroying my performances, so I'm connecting my Xbox One controller through USB). That way I get 60 fps with high settings and max textures quality.
Runs great.
The audio on the intro cutscene was out of sync, but everything in-game is perfect.
With my dualsense I had to sometimes launch the game twice so steam input hooks it.
Adding dinput8.dll from the mod disables input from a controller, but I play w/ kb/m anyway
I used the DX8 version since it seemed more stable according to this guide
I followed the steps from this Lutris installer manually (but with the Steam version + Proton 4.11-10), copy files to the game install folder then use protontricks instead of winetricks (don't forget LAVFilter or you're not gonna have videos working) to tweak your wineprefix.
Should run fine after (read the lutris install in the github repo forementioned for steps).
protontricks 251150 quartz
protontricks 251150 amstream
WINEPREFIX=/media/HDD_Linux/steamlibrary/steamapps/compatdata/251150/pfx wine ~/LAVFilters-0.74.1-Installer.exe
Just like every Steam VR title on Linux, just make sure to launch the game through Steam VR. Ran perfectly on my Index so far.
Works perfectly
Dualsense wasn't supported, emulated a 360 controller to play with it
I'm having some issues with gamma and v-sync settings, otherwise it runs pretty good, 40-50 fps on linux when I would get 50-60 fps on Windows.