gamemoderun %command%
Loading times are significantly worse compared to how it should be. I have the game on a NVMe with 32 gigs of ram, if I matchmake in the post-death screen I will always miss the legend selection screen and sometimes even the first couple seconds of the dropship sequence.
Game freezes a good bit initially at the start of your session but then progressively gets better and better till it acts how it should normally. At the start of every game, whenever you pick up an weapon your game will freeze for like 3-5 seconds, even after everything else has already "settled in". Eventually it stops happening, but it's still very annoying. it apparently has something to do with charms? despite my game being able to pick guns with charms up perfectly fine at times.
Models do not load in properly fast enough for some legends and it's entirely random, it happens in-game and in the menu, including the enemies. You'll see them as gray/clay models until they finally load in a couple seconds later.
Despite all the major bugs, the game is perfectly playable once you actually get into it, although landing and picking up a gun and dying due to you freezing is incredibly annoying. Aside from the stuttering at the start of a game, the game performs as it should on my hardware after a game or two. I have tried this with Proton Hotfix and Experimental, but the latest GE-Proton has native or better performance.
The bans have been resolved (check on trello). NVIDIA has better performance on DirectX11.
If you have shader cache turned off, you will encounter some weird issues (like peformance issues and models having no textures). Make sure you have it turned on and allocate some space for it.
Native works perfect unless you play a campaign with medium-heavy mods, as the game will become more unstable. Swap to Wine to fix.
gamemode %command%
I've heard the game uses one core? Not sure if this is realistic/true, but the game has some optimization issues both on Windows and Linux.
It appears the linux native version has some issues when too much entities are on screen, probably something overlooked by the devs (Not that I can blame them, probably just tested it without mods.). This caused my game to freeze permanently whenever a creature attacked any of my crewmembers in the campaign (which is a common occurence throughout the game), forcing me to kill the game. This is not an issue if you're not running mods, which I heavily recommend at least using some mods. Swapping to the Windows version (via Wine) offers similar peformance and much more stability. Also, Peformance Fix (a mod) did make the game run better but did not fix the stability issues mentioned eariler.
If you were wondering what mods I was using, the major ones I was using was: Neurotrauma, COR, Real Sonar, Improved Husks, Enchanced Reactors, and Immersive Repairs.
Game works perfectly fine on Native. Disregard everything I've said in my past report, I wish I had the option to unpend it.
gamemode %command%
Use Performance Fix if you play with mods, as this game doesn't have the best optimization for both Windows and Linux.
The problem ended up being a bot conflict (the pesky little things) and it not having a weapon decided to use a tool fom a mod (Immersive Repairs) to fight instead, freezing my game. If you play with that mod in Campaign, give all of your bots at least a screwdriver!!
gamemoderun %command%
I didn't try playing online multiplayer as I didn't feel like it, but I know it would run perfectly as I was able to load in with EAC and the game peformed perfectly.
There is a issue with my computer (I think it has to do with NVIDIA drivers) where a random thing would completely lock down my system preventing access to anything in ALL my drives causing my computer to not function and for me to trigger a hard reset. As of right now, Dead by Daylight is the ONLY game that causes this to happen on my PC, sometimes it works for hours and I have no issues, sometimes 10 seconds into a match it happens, and other times I click on something in the menu and it happens.
I play with a alt account, hence why my hours are not represented here.
Couldn't get past "Initializing..." with GE and Experimental. Proton 7.03 and DX12 fixed this.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Slight stuttering that I read is only present on DX12, although I can't swap to DX11.
Have to double Alt-Tab at times to put focus into other windows (on Plasma). I recommend playing with Windowed and using Plasma's fullscreen shortcut.
Not really surprising as the title is quite old, but still pretty good.
For modding support with r2modman, use protontricks to go to the wine prefix's winecfg to enable "winhttp" in the libraries.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%
At the start of my session, the game doesn't perform how it should for a match. After a while, the game goes to how it should perform though with worse peformance than Windows.
It should be noted that this is most likely an Nvidia issue and not a proton issue.
Works perfect on Vulkan GE. Dualshock 4 worked perfect too with Steam Input. Got better FPS than on Windows.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%
I played fullscreen and it crashed after a minute of playing, I swapped to Windowed and the game did not crash.
I originally tried with Proton Experimental and that works fine too.
gamemoderun %command%
The game recently had a update where it's lighting had a overhaul, older systems may experience worse performance due to this. (Especially on Surface.)
EAC is currently tweaking for Linux users, it seems to survey them with extra scrutiny.
EAC is mega tweaker.
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 mangohud gamemoderun %command% -eac_launcher -nosplash
Fullscreen/Borderless Windowed I believe has a higher chance to crash than windowed.
Stuttering every now and then, bit of a nusance. Recording with OBS makes it worse.