Installs and runs perfectly. Sound, input and graphics all work as expected.
On Windows, the game saves in Documents - in Linux it defaults to the game's directory within Steam and you can't navigate out of it due to the picker window not accepting mouse clicks. What I did was copied my Windows save game into Dark Fall 2's directory and was able to load and save it from there using arrow keys and enter.
Without using gamescope or anything, the game defaults to full screen, properly sized. On Windows, it defaults to its native resolution, meaning if you run a high res monitor, you're going to have a game with a window that is too big and goes off screen. Kudos to Valve for fixing this in Linux.
Runs fine out of the box
Installed and ran well. As good as it is on Windows.
Runs fine, however mouse is not visible in Steam overlay, though you can still select things. Antialiasing is greyed out however you can select anisotropic filtering levels from the Advanced tab. This is a game that requires PhysX but it installed and ran fine. Sound and speech work great. All other options seem to work too. So, it's just little things that have minimal effect on gameplay.
Game will not start. According to the log files, it's a Java issue. Java (Oracle) is installed and working fine on my system, so more investigation needed on my part.
I'm the guy who wrote the borked report below. Fixing my java install, updating mesa and a reboot sorted out whatever was stopping this game from working. Runs perfectly, can alt-tab out of it and back, sound and music work. It's all good.
gamemoderun %command% --disable-gpu
This game doesn't like to be task switched out of, even in Windows. It resets the game window from full screen to a little 800x600 window. So, it's not a Linux issue.
Game installed, updated and ran perfectly out of the box. I encountered zero issues in the two hours I played it. Use the game parameters above though - they're needed.
Works as well as it should
Needed to rebind keys every time game was started - doesn't seem to save customised settings
Apart from keybinds not saving issue (which may be a Windows thing too, don't know) the game ran perfectly.
Works out of the box (mostly)
Crashed once using CachyOS's proton - switched to 9.04, didn't crash once.
I used 9.04 without any launch parameters. Using CachyOS's proton version caused it to crash when I cast Revelio (of all things). Apart from this, runs and plays as good as it does on Windows.
Got flickering graphics using CachyOS's default proton - changing it to 9.03 fixes that.
Apart from what I've mentioned re: CachyOS, it runs as well as it does on Windows.
Works better on Proton than Native
Running this game through the native Feral Interactive launcher just segfaulted 100% of the time - seems to have issues with any non-Ubuntu distro. Changed it to Proton Experimental, and it ran out of the box.
Runs out of the box
Works as good as it does on Windows. No input or graphical lag - no weird fonts or sound issues, everything plays as it should.
Runs out of the box
Takes a little while to load into the game.
It runs without any tinkering (for me anyway) - it just takes about 30-40 seconds longer to load than it does on Windows.
Runs out of the box
Runs as good as it does on Windows. Ran fine, all sliders right - no slowdowns, no overheating, no input lag. It's all good.
Works as expected
Minor text issues - most likely a font rendering problem
Every name and sentence is concluded with a "^p" - this could be a font issue or a charset issue, who knows, but apart from this, the game ran well.
Had to set it to 30 fps in the settings otherwise it became a slideshow
Poorly optimised game - it needs to be set to 30 fps limited in the settings otherwise you're in for a slideshow.
Works out of the box
Installed and ran flawlessly. The only thing I had to adjust was the graphic settings - it defaults to 720p. Windowed fullscreen works like a charm too. No crashes, no slowdowns, no input lag. As good as it is on Windows.
Works out of the box. Never tried alt-tabbing. The sound and music to this game are bad in Windows, and of course nothing changes in Linux.
Defaults to windowed mode where the fonts are a little hard to read, but once you go into fullscreen, everything is perfectly legible. Sound works great. No other issues.