Some specific scenes had a horrible static noise, but nothing gamebreaking.
Must select Full Screen at game launch, otherwise game will crash.
The game was launching only with a black screen (with sound), until I had upgraded to latest point release Intel drivers by using the following ppa =>
I did not have use the HWE kernel.
Black screen on start on fullscreen (with sound), unable to run at all unless on full screen.
Had to update intel drivers first to be able to run the game without any issues, from the following PPA (point release):
I didn't have to use a HWE Kernel.
Otherwise, a very smooth experience. Just remember to save often.
Granting achievements appears to crash the rendering system. When I switched away from the game and switched back, it consistently failed to do any rendering at all.
It would still allow switching between windows and virtual desktops, and sound would still play, but nothing would render.
Installs and runs fine. Music, movement, all good. Windowed or full-screen.